Looking for an Investment on a Plot/Land/Property..??? #Hyderabad , TS, INDIA - #BookMyproperty #Hyderabadplots #hyderabad_plots
GOPI KRISHNA ACHARYA K - Real Estate Investment and Farm Plots Expert
?? Executive Director at Iconic farms | Director at NIVRITI Farms ?? 25 Years of Proven Real Estate Investment Advisory Expertise ??
Just give a minute to read through the below details before you take a decision.What are the expectation while going to Invest on a Plot/Land from a Real=Estate Company...???
LAYOUT APPROVALS : DTCP (or) HMDA (or) GHMC Approved layouts.
LAND DEVELOPMENT : Does they provide all the amenities for the construction purpose..??
Clear Title : Does they provide Legal and Link documents pertaining to the Plot/Land..??
After Sales Service and Maintenance : Does they promise minimum of 5 Years, General maintenance and Security of your Plot/Land/property at with minimum charges..??
Spot Registration : Is Spot registration available..?? Immediately after the full payment from you to the company, Will they do Registration process of your Plot/Land Immediately.
IF the answer is yes for all your questions mentioned above. Here is an opportunity to Invest on a Company where customers are assured with the highest standards in quality and property management. The company does not disappoint you with its services,
Invest in a Fastest - Growing city in India : HYDERABAD, T.S, India. NRI's top choice for #Investment. Hurry..!!!..?? All our Sites/Ventures are located at Fast growing Pharma city cluster.
Don't miss... Make the most intelligent Investment on the Indian Real-Estate (Plots), Near #PHARMACITY - #YACHARAM , Hyderabad, TS, INDIA.
Hyderabad is rated No.1 city in India. Year-over-Year price appreciation of Lands, as per latest market's top agencies reports.
Call back for The Best Investment Plots/Land at Fast growing Corridors and multiple locations of Hyderabad.
Gopi Krishna Acharya .K - Sr.Director - Sales - #SamoohaProjects - Call & Whatsapp : 09160759774 - #https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/gopikrishnaacharya - #gopikrishnaacharya.blogspot.com - #https://youtu.be/13Cva_PztiE - [email protected]
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