Looking To Help People With PTSD?
I recently attended a training to become a Certified PTSD Intervention Coach.
I'm so excited to be a part of a Global movement to help those suffering with PTSD/trauma and anxiety. Myself and many people I know have suffered from anxiety and I know a large percentage of the population has too.
I get to work with an amazing group of people from all over the world and we get to help alleviate that suffering.
With that being said, there is now much work ahead to change the world.
I am offering:
- 5 Free individual sessions
- 1 Free Family Group Session of 3 to 5 people
Some notes about these sessions:
- You will not be sharing with me your experiences.
- I will be walking you thru a technique to alleviate your symptoms.
- These sessions can be done via video chat or in person.
Please send me a private message if you or somebody you know is interested.