Looking for a faster, more productive way to document Endoscopy procedures?
Are your case notes and endoscopy procedure reports taking too much time to complete?
If the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. Complying with the Colonoscopy Clinical Care Standard (CCCS) requirements for document procedures is often perceived to take up valuable time, reducing procedure room efficiency.
If your surgeons are taking more than 3 minutes to complete each report, including adding the images, they’re taking too long.
Provation MD is designed for Australian and New Zealand hospitals to make it easy for surgeons to write comprehensive reports quickly. This is achieved by using pre-configured, structured data that translates to clinical prose, eliminating the need for free text and creating a new report every time.
With the flexibility to document each procedure on any device and outside of the procedure room, surgeons have the flexibility to step out of the room while it is cleaned and made ready for the next patient.
It also means that your hospital is automatically collecting the information needed to comply with the CCCS. While the 4 mandatory indicators are a small part of meeting accreditation, they matter.
Enabling simple point and click, that helps surgeons navigate and complete a report quickly, also reduces the time spent by your quality team in review, collation, reporting and patient follow-up.
As one surgeon said “I’m not good at typing. Provation’s anticipatory interface makes it fast and easy to write comprehensive, accurate documentation and have a standardised comparison across my patient group.”
If you’re looking for a better way to document procedures that is trusted by 16 of the top 20 GI hospitals in the US and is used in over 5,000 healthcare facilities worldwide, then contact us here.