Looking to create a happier & healthier work environment?
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We’re all familiar with the term ‘heart health’ and the importance of regular exercise, eating well and reducing stress for our own wellbeing. But how does this translate into the workplace?
Given such a large proportion of our lives are spent at work, how can we inject more heart into our day-to-day operations to ensure a happy, healthier team? The answer is with compassion.
What’s more, injecting compassion into your workplace is easy and can be achieved by introducing a few simple steps.
Why compassion?
There are numerous studies to suggest a compassionate work culture is not only a happier and healthier one, but is equally more productive and results driven.1 Sound simple? It really is.
It doesn’t take a lot of time or cost a lot of money, it’s simply making sure your team and colleagues feel valued, supported, and encouraged to reach their full potential. So how do you go about injecting compassion into your own organisation?
We’ve come up with five ideas to get you started.
1. Random acts of kindness
These don’t have to be big, bold, expensive statements. They can be as simple as shouting a colleague a cup of coffee, or staying behind to help a team mate who is under pressure with a work task.
A simple act of kindness, such as this, will not only show genuine concern for your colleague but go a long way in creating a compassionate work culture. Remember Aesop’s lesson, “no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
2. Collaboration is key
Getting your team together for regular brainstorming or planning sessions is the perfect opportunity to show your colleagues just how much you value and respect their ideas. It will also result in a much more cohesive and co-operative team.
It can be a good idea to lay down some simple ground rules first, for example, no idea is a bad idea, and the importance of listening to others, to ensure the success of these sessions.
Getting your team together for regular brainstorming or planning sessions is the perfect opportunity to show your colleagues just how much you value and respect their ideas.
3. Lead with compassion
A compassionate work environment is easier to achieve if as many people as possible in the organisation are committed and willing to lead by example. Because let’s face it, compassion is contagious!
Teams led by compassionate leaders have better intra-team collaboration, stronger commitment to the company, and far lower turnover rates than those led by less-compassionate leaders.2
4. Get to know your colleagues
The key to creating meaningful relationships at work is getting out from behind your computer screen, and really getting to know your colleagues. What are their interests and passions outside of work? What are their goals and aspirations? Do they have a family?
Why not organise a social club that is dedicated to organising team catch ups so you’re connecting with your work mates on a regular basis?
5. Buddy up
Finally, it’s important to acknowledge that every member of your team is unique and brings different strengths to the organisation.
Why not take the opportunity to pair individuals together with complementary skill sets? Providing opportunities for team work can inject compassion into your workplace and strengthen interpersonal relationships between team members in the process.
In the words of the Dalai Lama, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
Let’s all commit to bringing a little more compassion into our workplace and enjoy being part of a team which is not only happier, but healthier, and more productive as a result.
1. Morin, A. (2015). Introducing a little compassion to your workplace culture has big benefits. Retrieved 20 June 2018 from https://www.forbes.com/sites/amymorin/2015/06/24/introducing-a-little-compassion-to-your-workplace-culture-has-big-benefits/#14e713a64370
2. Adam Robinson Co-founder and CEO, Hireology https://www.inc.com/adam-robinson/according-to-harvard-this-1-leadership-trait-separates-exceptional-leaders-from-rest.html
?? Southern Cross Medical Care Society
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