Looking Beyond Automation...
Purchase to Pay Network
Bringing together leaders across Finance, P2P, AP and Procurement - elevating careers, passionate about people
Automation is sometimes thought of as a bit of a panacea, a fix-all to invoice processing challenges. A piece of intelligence to overcome our human failings and inefficiencies. But as many organisations find out to their cost, this attitude is far from realistic and has the capacity to undermine any expected ROI. The causes of the challenges usually exist outside of automation, with process, with people, with suppliers, with culture. In order to overcome them, organisations need to look beyond automation and into why those challenges exist in the first place.
Because today, even those companies that have some form of automation in place, are still experiencing some of the same challenges they had in the past. Overloaded AP teams dealing with invoices in different formats, excessive amounts of exceptions, disjointed processes with limited reporting or controls have a debilitating effect on efficiency. The knock-on effect? Lengthy process cycle times, limited control in tumultuous times, unhappy suppliers, increased risk and critically, lack of deep data insights.
To get the most out of a digitisation project, organisations have to take a holistic view of their processing. Who needs to be involved in the project, why and what are the expected results? High performing finance teams of the future will be those that can provide visibility and control that enable their organisations to be proactive.
If you want to find out how you can help your department become a high performing team come along and join us on 9th February at 10:30am GMT where we'll go into details such as:
? How to map your processes to your business outcomes
? How to bring your team and your C-Suite with you
? What your existing technology can do and what it can’t
? The far-reaching effects of digitisation
? How your invoice processing fits into your ESG agenda
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