Looking back at the past year
Looking back at this past year, I can say beyond a doubt that 2021 was far from predictable. We’ve experienced an entire year of a global health crisis that brought on political, social and economic strife in many parts of the globe. However, on a more positive note, issues of social inequality came more to the forefront and people around the globe seem more serious about acting and initiating change in this area.
I find this turn of events exciting because thoughts of action and change in nations and communities make for a promising start to the New Year. The seeds for change actually start within us and then, like a rippling effect, can spread outward to those around us, such as friends, family, neighbours, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. As these ripples touch others, they are taken in, assimilated and then sent off to be shared in different directions. This is an exciting way to share and spread positive thoughts and energy. Of course, there are those who will always be resistant to change, but once it is in the zeitgeist, it’s hard to hold back.
We can invite positive change into our lives in various ways. One way is by looking after ourselves and giving ourselves what we need. Welcoming change requires a relaxed and solid mental state. That is why now, more than ever, it’s important to consider the state of our own health by getting proper rest and exercise and eating healthily to strengthen our bodies and minds, while also making time for quiet, calming activities, such as yoga or meditation, to enrich our inner lives.
Once we’ve attended to our own needs, we’re ready to share and reach out to those around us. Spend quality time with those we love and who touch our lives. So, try to communicate honestly and with love in relationships with family and friends. Such actions can heal old wounds and forge new bonds that are based on love and respect. This behaviour in turn helps to create harmony and togetherness in both yourself and others.
It’s also rewarding to remember those who are struggling and/or experiencing trying times right now. Consider volunteering at the local food bank, helping out in a soup kitchen, or donating clothing and other items you no longer need to those who are less fortunate. Or attend meetings and rallies to support causes that are important to you. Check in on your neighbours, especially those who may not be able to get out and about as easily as some of us. By extending generosity to others and standing up for what we believe in, we’ll generate positive energy that will be reflected back to you many times over.
I hope that you will consider my suggestions in thinking about your hopes and dreams for 2022. In the same way that fear and anger can be contagious, so can love, peace and brotherhood. By being true to your beliefs and focusing on the positives in your life and the world, you can do your part to spread hope, love and togetherness to all.
My best wishes for a peaceful productive year, all year long!