Looking back and moving forward
Jill Turner - Ethical Pension Specialist
Chartered Financial Planner and IFA at Big Picture Financial Planning Embracing Ethical & Sustainable investing
"Why do you want to say up late to celebrate the old year, it was rubbish", said my daughter. "Because I always do", came my first response. She has a point, 2020 was on the whole pretty rubbish and presented many challenges, in all areas of life. If I read about 2020 in a novel it would seem implausible, you couldn't make up this year's narrative, even though somehow, it already existed, albeit as science fiction.
As we close the 2020 diary, whatever your experience of the year was, I trust you managed to find some high highs amongst the low lows. I'm not staying up till past midnight to celebrate the old year, more to say farewell for all your challenges, it was the year the world changed, it was also the year of some personal wins, lessons and learning.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." - Soren Kierkegaard
Hello, my name's Jill and I work hard to engage my clients with financial planning, to manage risk, protect the ones they love and to align financial choices with their reason why, to create a better quality of life.
Most of my work is future based which is why I like the quote above from the philosopher Kierkegaard. I also like this one:
"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
- Steve Jobs
So what dots have been joined up for you and what will carry you forward ? Here's ten from me.
- If a virus can cause so much disruption and loss, how can we start taking more urgent action around climate change.
- Time on zoom meant time off the road, meant more time for my family, more time to read, or to follow up from client meetings and less carbon emissions. Zoom has shrunk the world and made conferences more accessible too.
- Time on zoom didn't detract from relationship building but it cannot ever replace human contact.
- Taking exams electronically was more nerve wracking than walking into an exam hall with my fountain pen.
- If you have some great ideas but take no action and don't surround yourself with people who believe in you, they will forever remain just dreams.
- Have an emergency cash reserve
- There is a need to slowdown and accept "it takes time".
- A measure of a company and its leadership is the way in which it treats those who work for it.
- You can't time the markets but you can plan time in the market.
- Not to forget the importance of a change of scenery, a new view and a fresh perspective.
Before you shout at me for not mentioning the NHS, its because I already joined the dots on that one when my son was born..... What ever 2021 holds for you I hope you have a fulfilled year. Rather than having external events take charge of your life I hope you can continue aligning your values with your goals and live a purposeful life. Next year is going to be huge and it makes my heart skip a beat thinking about the opportunities, the UK hosts the next round of climate change talks, COP 26. Now that the big chartered financial planning exams are all under my belt, I have more time to offer the Derbyshire Climate Coalition and will increase my work with UKSIF, the UK Sustainable Finance and Investment Association it will be our 30th anniversary year this year. We must keep the momentum of black lives matter going in 2021 and I pledge to continue to ask questions of myself, challenge my biases and grow as an ally.
Finally, I'd like to thank my clients for providing a rich and varied year of work, with stories of triumphs and travails. Keep going, every step gets you closer to your goals. I'd like to thank my mastermind group and my friends who picked me up from my low lows this year. My family who were there for me and encouraged me to push on and then celebrate the high highs.
I'll leave you with a quote from the Arts and Crafts rebel, Elbert Hubbard which just seems to resonate with some of my ten joined up dots.
"A little more patience, a little more charity for all, a little more devotion, a little more love; with less bowing down to the past, and a silent ignoring of pretended authority; brave looking forward to the future with more faith in our fellows, and the race will be ripe for a great burst of light and life." - Elbert Hubbard
Wishing you a fulfilled and happy 2021 - I look forward to working with you next year !
Jill Turner is principal adviser at Jill Turner Associates, Holistic Financial Planning and Wealth Management. A finalist in the Money Management Financial Planning Awards 2016 in the Protection Category, a member of the Personal Finance Society, the London Institute of Banking and Finance, the European Financial Planning Association and a member of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association.
As with all investments your capital is at risk and can go down as well up in value as can the income generated from your investments. Jill Turner Associates is an appointed representative of Quilter Financial Planning who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This article is for information only and to stimulate interest on various topics of financial planning and does not, in itself, constitute advice.