Looking Back.....
I still remember, at the age of thirty-eight, beginning my third year of college with one course. I was so unsure if I could pass. After working hard and receiving an A, nothing could stop me!
In the book, The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, they write about seven characteristics of successful people. They are:
- They know what they want.
- They believe they are worthy of receiving it.
- They believe they can get it.
- They are passionate about it.
- They take action in the face of fear.
- They learn from their experience.
- They are persistent.
I have found that reading about and observing successful people is a good training tool. These self-confident people have learned how to present themselves to the world.
They possess charm and are sympathetic and understanding, and they know what it takes to be successful. If you begin with the “observation process” you will learn from those who have attained this level of achievement.
Everyone with average intelligence has the ability to achieve goals.
What you do in life is only limited by your imagination and desire. In the book, Creating Confidence by Rex Johnson and David Swindley, they list the Dynamic Living Principles.
- You create your own reality with your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes.
- You have the right to a better quality of life; to health, happiness and success.
- The reason most people get ill is because their lives aren’t working.
- You can transform your life by changing your attitude.
- Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. (Napoleon Hill)
- Decide to build into yourself the qualities and characteristics you need for success.
- You can have whatever you want in life, providing you are willing to invest the necessary time, energy, and effort.
- Live in the present moment. Life is a journey to be enjoyed, not a struggle to be endured.
- Transform your conscious mind with the Dynamic Living Principle and your unconscious with the Dynamic Living Formula.
- Allow yourself to be guided and supported by the Universal Intelligence, which is within you, and you will always be happy, healthy, and successful and have the courage to follow your dreams.
Do you want to be successful?
Do you want to increase your self-confidence?
Do you want to enjoy life while you accomplish ALL of your goals?
You can do this by making a decision to eliminate stress, create fulfilling relationships, boosting your creativity; lessen your worrying, enjoying better health, and taking charge of your life.
This is YOUR decision. No other person can make this decision for you.
It has also been studied by researchers that people who have a healthy and positive attitude live better lives because they learned how to use their mind for positive growth.
Your mind creates everything in your life. Your mind is an incredible power to use for positive purposes.
Successful people use their minds to grow and develop and nothing and no one can get in their way.