Looking back and forward 500 years...

Looking back and forward 500 years...

Imagine back 500 years ago...

...the Kalapuya explored this valley...then John Gray sailed along the Pacific to a mighty river, Columbia...

...Lewis and Clark crossed the vast uncharted wilderness...

...followed by pioneers...settlers...first wagon train on the Oregon Trail...pony express... railroads...roads...electricity...telephones...

...Model T...US Highway 20...cross country car race over the "Road Least Traveled"...construction of Eisenhower's Federal Highway System...

...remember riding a bike on Interstate 5 while it was being built...the Willamette Valley, Oregon, and Pacific Northwest have seen many advances or "progress" in this period...

...It's easy to look back. It's comfortable to enjoy the moment...

...It's even more exciting and fun to envision the future...what will this area be like 500 years from now?

...will it retain its beauty, abundance, water, air, and hard-working people wanting to make it a better place to live, learn, work, play, and pray, for current and succeeding generations who inhabit this land and are entrusted as stewards for it to ensure their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren for generations to follow will enjoy it, too.

...what's your BIG dream? What's fueling your fire?

...please share your thoughts - www.GQGconsulting.com - contact...

...thanks! Greg

P.S. My parents sold the family farm in Central Nebraska in February 1956...hitched a U-Haul trailer loaded with all of our family's possessions in it...towed by a 1952 Chevy...loaded my six-year-old brother, two-month-old brother, and me (four-years-old) in the back seat...

...headed west on U.S. Highway 20 (the then "Oregon Trail")...lived in Sweet Home, OR for six months with relatives...moved and settled in Albany, OR ("Gem of the "Willamette Valley"...the rest, as 'they' say is 'history'!


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