Looking Back is Easier > Looking Ahead
Morning Conversation with My Lady
When looking back from a positive place, it’s difficult to recall how much the grind sucked.?
When looking froward from the grind, it’s difficult to know how good things will be.
We were in ministry at our first church for 19 years.?
We started with 11 people in a car sales building.?
SO, every Sunday, we (she, my 2 year old daughter & I) would go early to literally clean the lobby, bathroom and areas. Toilets and all. Disgusting.?
BUT, we did it. We had a metal chair as an altar that we turned backward, in front of me (seat facing the group of 11 (including kids)) for anyone who needed to pray. Imagine that scene.
The first year we grew to 14! people. 14. That’s nothing. But, it was enough. Percentage wise it’s almost 30%… that sounds much better.
Within 15 years, we were over 2,000 every Sunday. We had a very large footprint… built several buildings… annual budget of millions…?
It’s hard to recall the toilets… the 3 people growth in a year… the “this isn’t working - you’re in a car sales building - nobody is coming to this “church”.”
14 became 20… became 200… became 2000…?
Again, looking back is easy from a positive place. Looking forward from the struggle isn’t easy at all.
TODAY Sept 2022?
You may be in the grind of it all. You may be ”cleaning toilets” and rearranging chairs… and struggling to believe…?
Don’t look at somebody’s year 15 and compare it to your year one.?
They’re not the same.?
You’re further than you were. AND, if you hold on and keep doing what you do, 14 is coming.?
Stay strong.
(Yes, this was our morning conversation…with a little details added for you for context.)
(A Sunday in the past)