Looking back
Wow! Almost a year already since I wrote this article about what I had been through, never giving up and continuing to push forwards!
I must say, I have come leaps and bounds since then and absolutely love life!
Everyday we have a choice, either to learn and grow or to stay in a box slowly dying. I am incredibly proud that I have continued my learning and growing, I have loved my Job and what I do, I have made strong relationships and taken every challenge with a positive attitude.
Strange how most of us are always so busy in what we are doing currently or worrying about what happens next, we are so absorbed by current situations and the big mountain in front of us, we forget to look back and see where we have come from, we forget how much work was put into each and every day of our lives. Waking up and making your bed, especially on a day when you just don't feel like it, is a positive step even if the day takes a turn for the worst, you still got through it by starting! We forget to acknowledge the things that we do big or small that continue to drive us forward.
It's true, only once you have had a look back can you see exactly where you are and just what you have managed to do, give yourself a pat on the back, feels good doesn't it!
I want to encourage you if you are reading this to take a moment to look back at where you have come from, appreciate how much you have accomplished, How much you have learnt, How much you have grown. What strength you had to get past the small, the big and even the scary.
Once you have given yourself a pat on the back, look forward again and know that nothing is too big, too small or too scary, you will make it, with some hard work, determination and positivity!
Go get out there and take on the world!