Looking back at 2019, year of GCP.
Who could have guessed that my goal to learn the Google Cloud Platform would become my career in 2019. In January of last year I decided to attempt the Beta exam for Google Cloud Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification Exam, which we will refer to as PCNE. At the time, I used a learning platform called Coursera to study for the exam. I recommend it if you are new to GCP and want a broad overview of the topics. I took great notes, did qwiklabs to get hands on experience and took the exam. However, when the results of the exam came back, I didn’t pass.
During my preparation for the exam, I observed a few critical details of how organizations error in their uses of cloud networking. I believe there is a huge opportunity for career advancement + self-employment for individuals with the PCNE Network Specialist skill set. You will become an expert on connectivity in and out of the Google Cloud Platform Network.
Previously, I used a niche cloud certification learning platform called A Cloud Guru to study for the Google Associate Cloud engineer and Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect certification exams. I loved being around the amazing people in this company who care about helping others reach their full potential through the means of knowledge around Cloud Computing. In May of 2019 I joined ACG, to build a certification preparation course for the Google Cloud PCNE certification.
Fast Forward to today, through self-study, I passed the PCNE exam in June of 2019. I work with an amazing company, A Cloud Guru. I am excited to announce that we have released a preview of our PCNE course to assist you in preparing for the PCNE exam. You can check it out here.
Being the creator of this PCNE course has probably been one of the most challenging roles I have ever undertaken in my career. Placing expectations on yourself to provide entertaining, relevant, facts. I often feel like I am in art class. I can visualize concepts in my head clearly, but getting them on canvas in a way that appeals to a mass audience is very difficult. Here is my ask of you: take the course, provide feedback and help me grow these skills.
I would not have made it this far without the help of the awesome ACG content team, and two excellent content managers.
In 2020, I look forward to completing the PCNE course by April. Then more learningo and share on how organizations and students can leverage the Google Cloud Platform in 2020.
To all my friends, family and colleagues, thanks for taking this journey with me. Appreciate all the support and encouragement.
Happy New Year and Stay Blessed in 2020.
K. Knox