Looking Ahead in 2020
Charlotte Chalkley
?? Welcome To The Realm Of Healing & Purpose ?? Transforming Therapists Into Masters Of Trauma Release Meaning Long Lasting Natural Change For Their Clients & Themselves Through A Life-Changing Approach To Healing
Happy New Year! Not only is this a brand new year, but a brand new decade. Normally, this would be an article about reflection and looking back but I want to try something different. Let’s look ahead. Yes, you guessed it! This article is all about goal setting.
Have you ever been in an interview and been asked where you would like to be in five or ten years? Have you ever thought about where you want to be? As a business owner, you probably already have some idea of where you want to be. If you have never done this, it’s time to start. Now, if you have already decided where you want to be, it’s time to take the action steps towards that.
One of the very first things to do is to create the goal. Not just saying it in your head but actually create the statement. There are four steps in the success of your goal becoming a reality.
1. Think the goal
2. Write it down
3. Share it with a buddy
4. Have a weekly progress reporting with your buddy
Amazingly, doing all these steps increases the success rate of that goal by half! Understandably, there is an accountability factor here as well.
How do you write a good goal? It’s not just a good idea but must be objective.
Here’s an example:
Good Idea: I want to lose weight
Goal or Objective: I will weigh 130 by 5:00PM on March 1, 2021.
Do you see the difference? If you stated measurement is include in the goal, you got it! If you don’t have that measurement, it is simply something you want or wish (a good idea). To engage your subconscious mind, a goal or objective has to be measurable.
Now it’s time to create a goal that is going to be a quantum leap for you and your career. This is your breakthrough goal – a goal that is not easily attainable and a challenge for you but can be done.
Take out a piece of paper and a pencil and start to create our own. What is it you WANT? When are you going to have it by? Visualize that goal in your possession at that exact moment. Picture it like you already have it! In fact, you already do have what you want, it’s just not there yet!
Now that you are thinking of that perfect goal write it down! Write it down 100 times a day for 100 days. That is my challenge to you! As you start writing these goals, you start to believe it and then you start to think like you already have. Then, guess what? It becomes a reality! That is where the magic happens.
If you are stuck in what to write, here are some examples. I have placed myself in present tense here and I also recommend that too.
I am so happy and grateful now that I make $25,000 a month.
I am so happy and grateful now that I make one deal a day.
I am so happy and grateful now that I have a happy and healthy lifestyle.
I am so happy and grateful that I have traveled the world and have seen many amazing things.
You get the idea!
Does that sound like something you’d like to do? Then do it! What’s the next step? Taking action to get to that goal! If you need help in that, check out my SOS Script. Here's some cool things you will benefit from:
- Discover how to sign up COMMITTED CLIENTS so you can quickly and easily build your business
- Learn the Sales Technique all the ONLINE GURUS don't want you to know about
- Find out the ONE THING that is stopping you from having the business you crave
- Have VALUABLE AND SUCCESSFUL conversations that close, and enroll new clients with ease
- Designed By One Of The WORLD'S TOPS SALES COACHES working for multiple 7 and 8 figure earners
Also, let’s chat! To get crystal clear on your goals, why not have a one on one?
Click Here to book a session!
New year, new decade! Let’s go!
To Your Success!