Looking after yourself in lockdown with a long term health condition

Looking after yourself in lockdown with a long term health condition

When this whole pandemic started, it shook us completely and it took a while to get our heads around being told to stay at home. We did get through and after the first surge it all began to settle down and things began to open again. People were coming out of shielding and isolation. I for one was hopeful that we just needed to get to the end of 2020 and it would all be ok. We just needed to get this year behind us.

We all know what happened though, and the country is now more deflated than ever. As the owner of a fitness business, January is supposed to be the ‘golden’ time for people to be interested in their health and wellbeing and getting moving again. Back in January 2020 it was all guns blazing and full steam ahead. The year before that was the same. This year though I completely lost all that momentum.

So this got me thinking. Imagine if you have a long-term health issue and at the beginning of all this you thought it was only going to be for a short while that you’d have to stay indoors. It wouldn't be too long before you could start to move outside again.

I think we severely underestimated what something simple, like going to the GP for a follow-up appointment, going to the local shop for a pint of milk, or meeting a friend for a coffee, really did for us. Doing these relatively simple things got you out of the house and you were moving. That has all stopped and now your mobility has reduced, social interaction has stopped and sadly, low mood sets in. It feels like you are stuck.

The good news is that for me, I have accepted what is not in my control and taken back the reins back on what I can control. The same is happening for people who have long term health issues, or even just the very sedentary people who never leave their house. They are realising they need to move. otherwise they are going to go downhill, not just in their physical health but from a mental and emotional wellbeing perspective as well.

We had one lady approach us who had reached that exact point and realised that enough was enough. She contacted us and has joined one of our weekly low-impact classes online. Her family were her biggest supporters because they could see that she was dipping. Just taking part in regular exercise and engaging with other people has done her the world of good. This is how she took back control of her health and fitness. She has used us for support, as other clients have too when they have lost friends and family members to this awful virus or really dipped in mood .

I would like to extend a hand to you all and say that we are here and we can support you. None of us knows how long this lockdown is going to continue for or how long it will take for the country to open up again.

But we can take action and do something about it now, in the safety of our own homes. If the technology side of it scares you, we can help you through that too. Many people have managed it when they never thought they would have been able to.

In addition to our classes we also have a free coffee and chat session once a week for all our clients so we can keep the 1st Step community going and provide support for one another.

For more information about services and classes 1st Step contact us at [email protected] or call 07846 597460. We are always happy to help!


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