Look Your Best Self Today
Elizabeth Madison, RDN, CDN
Nutrition Wellness Consultant * Community Nutrition & Wellness Program Developer * Executive Wellness Coach * Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Don’t Wait to Achieve Your Goals to Look Your Best
Have you ever spotted the perfect outfit while shopping only to think “I can’t wait to buy this after I lose some weight”. What is it inside of us that can only see us looking our best and truly strutting our stuff after we reach our weight loss goals? If you are currently on a weight loss journey, CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to work towards a better version of you. While many of us have “weight loss goal” outfits, today we are going to explore why it is important to dress your BEST during your transformation and not wait until after.
Deciding to embark on a weight loss journey takes major courage and effort. When we are brave enough to take on challenges in our lives, it is best to do so under positive conditions. When we feel good, we can approach our transformation journey from a more positive place. Looking good elevates your mood and allows you to take on your journey with more confidence.
It’s much harder to achieve success in your transformation journey when you don’t feel empowered about how you look. Making the choice to dress with your preferred style, colors and accessories now will prepare you for your future transformation.
Transformation is a PROCESS which means it takes time. Most of us did not put on weight overnight, so losing it is a process. The time it will take to lose weight will vary for all of us. However, it is important that we feel empowered and good about ourselves during the process. You do not want to wait until the end of your transformation to finally dress your best. Every day that you continue your transformation journey should be a day where you look and feel more like the person you wish to become. When you look in the mirror you should see a reflection that resembles who you are striving to be.
Dress your BEST now because you deserve to look amazing now. You don’t have to earn the right to look your best through weight loss. Showing up as your best is your God given right. Too often people believe that they are not worthy of looking their best because they feel as if they have failed themselves. Read this aloud I DON’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT TO DRESS LIKE THE BEST VERSION OF ME! Living another day is enough reason for you to show up looking your best. You will reach your goals in due time, BUT… Let’s continue to work towards our goals in style TODAY.