???? Look Up! ????
Lord Simon J.
Huncher, Professionally weird, marketing generalist, flexpert, Linkedin Waffler, Social Media Hater New ideas, creative motivation, talks and a naff book.
Look up! ??????
*(Not literally on this article... I mean in life!)
Last week I was lucky enough to go on the ‘famous’ London Loo Tour, what a shit fest that was… In all the right ways!
It was a genuinely good tour and interesting alternative tour of London, along with its quirkiness of course.
On this glorious tour of London’s stankiest ‘landmarks’ was an Irish family and myself, I felt very privileged to be a part of their wonderfully random break in London and indeed told them all about this brilliant new group.
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During our tour, I was talking to the dad of the family and in a matter of minutes, he transformed the tour from an ‘ordinary’ Loo Tour in an extraordinary Loo Tour for me.
He did this with just two words; Look Up. ????
At first I thought he was warning me about a need-do-well bird who was about to take aim and fire upon me, but fortunately, he was instead advising that I simply look up and take in what is around me properly.
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I think a lot of us are guilty of doing this and even more so in our ultra-modern screen-obsessed lives. (And yes I realise the irony of this as you're reading).
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I was happy just following the tour guide waiting to arrive at our next Loo and was not taking the time to enjoy the scenery, architecture, people or general excellentness that is London happening around me.
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Once he’d said these words to me I did indeed look up and started to see some incredible sights, narrowly avoided walking into a lamppost and spotted a sign that utterly baffled me...
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*(Turned out to be a two-way traffic sign, but I don’t really understand the need for that on a road?)
Anyway, let’s not get too distracted or bogged down in the details of the tour and my personal experience of looking up, it’s meant to be a lesson and an anecdote goddamit!
My fellow Weirdos, my ask for you today is to look up.
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If you’re in the office, take a second to look away from your computer screen, take in what’s in and going on around you:
Can you join in with a conversation? ?? ??
Make a new bond with a college? ?? ?? ??
Take a second to think about a problem you’re currently trying to fix, not all the answers are on Google. ?? ??
Walking home from work later:
Look up, don’t mindlessly check your phone whilst you’re walking, spot something new today. ?? ??
Travelling home on public transport later?:
Look up and smile at the person opposite you… ????
(Londoners, I know this might get you arrested but trust me it’s worth it.)
You’ll get one of three reactions:
1) They’ll smile back (50% chance).
2) They’ll look away, confused (40% chance).
3) They might get up, run as far away as possible and then all your assets might get frozen due to suspected terror activity (10% chance).
I jest, but in all seriousness, please try it today or tomorrow, just look up!
Something that can set you apart or be a conversation starter could be just above your head, see it!
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* Please post & share stuff with us if you do!