Look up to Christ the King and give thanks!
I’ve lived through fourteen presidential elections in a nation dominated by a two-party political system. These elections create a four-year cycle of ramped up campaigning. What follows? A four-year cycle of comforting the sorrows of the defeated and restraining the triumph of the victors. Yet for those who keep the Lord’s Day holy on each Sunday, I encourage you all to look higher. Because if you look up when you approach our parish church of St. Petronille, you’ll see a statue of Christ the King. There he is, with a crown upon his head. The globe of the world is firmly held in his left hand, and atop that globe is a cross. His right hand is raised up, poised for a blessing. What kind of king is this, Christ the King?
If you shift you upward gaze to the right, you discover what kind of king he is. There inscribed in stone is the reminder that Christ is the King Eternal-Universal. He is the king of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love, and peace (Preface of Christ the King). In the land of executive, legislative, and religious leaders, oh how we need Christ the King! But he proclaims no earthly kingdom. He proclaims the kingdom of heaven. Why do we need it?
Look at that first phrase from our inscription: King Eternal-Universal. All earthly kingdoms pass. Christ alone promises an eternal kingdom. Elections come and go. Nations come and go—in terms of history, our country is very young. The day of its ending approaches, as does the ending of every earthly nation. Yet Christ even now offers you a share in his heavenly, eternal kingdom. Every defeat shouldn’t be the cause of despair. Earthly defeats remind us to seek the kingdom that lasts forever, they remind us to seek the King of grace who helps us moment by moment to arrive there. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for helping us here and now!
Christ is the King Universal, a king for all people. No political leader can save the world. No amount of money can save the world. No military power or policy can save the world. But Christ can save us all, and indeed is the only one who can do that. Earthly triumphs are passing, sic transit gloria mundi. Earthly victors who rejoice in sinful pride should remember the laurel wreaths of the Roman Emperors, wreaths that quickly withered and died. How different is the crown of the martyrs, the crown of holiness, the crown of eternal life that Jesus offers! His deepest desire is that each person receive it—universally. Regardless of a person’s political opinions, and maybe sometimes because of them, still Christ wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of truth (1Tim 2:4-6). Thank you, Lord Jesus, for loving all of us!
If you are looking down in sadness, look up to Christ. If you are looking up in pride, look higher to Christ. Looking up to Christ the King, we can give thanks in all circumstances (1Thess 5:18). And we can ALL give thanks. Our Church year ends with the celebration of Christ the King on Sunday, November 24. Our nation celebrates the feast of Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 28. So together, as the brothers and sisters of Jesus, united with the other states of our nation, let us look up to Christ and give thanks. Lord Jesus, please raise your right hand and pour out upon us the blessings we need to arrive safely forever in your kingdom.
With my prayers,
Fr. Jerome
PS: Well, back on August 6 I didn’t know if I would be here celebrating Thanksgiving with you. Thanks be to God for restoring my health and for such a big and beautiful parish to serve. Thank you all for your kindness and prayers. Happy Thanksgiving!
Controller at MRC Polymers Inc
3 个月Thank you Father for the generous and loving words. First I will br praying that your health continues heading in a good direction. People rarely remember the true graces which are offered as we settle into our mostly singularly focused lives. We moan at what hurts and react with fleeting glees when good things come. We must remember at the heart of everything is Jesus and how we are to love him with our heart mind soul and strength. A very excellent reminder Father. May God's blessing be with you. Dcn Dave