Look For the Small Details because that will lead you to the Big Picture

Look For the Small Details because that will lead you to the Big Picture

"When you pay attention to detail, the big picture will take care of itself .Sometimes you have to disconnect to stay connected".Georges St-Pierre Remember the old days when you had eye contact during a conversation? When everyone wasn't looking down at a device in their hands? We've become so focused on that tiny screen that we forget the big picture, the people right in front of us."Regina Brett"Sometimes we try to get to certain places for example a job but we don't see the small steps to get there and go directly there. The Big picture gives you the outcome but the small steps will get you to the outcome .We often hurry for things to happen because we have fear of losing an opportunity and wont find something great as that opportunity. Whatever is your big picture ask yourself" What's in front of me right now that is not letting me reach this particular goal and how can I overcome it step by step? We are sometimes overwhelm with anxiety and try to take everything all at once instead of breaking down in pieces because we want all want goals to be accomplish at once but sometimes is best to let time be and do your best what in front of you today instead of what's going to happen tomorrow because tomorrow is never promised .


