Look and see - if interest to thee.

David Laight

Motivational Speaker


All that YOU are.

And all that YOU will ever be.

Is a direct result of YOUR thoughts.

YOUR dreams…

The decisions that YOU make.

And the actions that YOU take.

(David Laight)






If you read this.


You will not need to look for or to invest in any other motivational publication.

These words contain EVERYTHING that you need to understand and act on to be able to live a happy and a fulfilled life.

At the end of the day.

That’s all everyone wants.

To live a GREAT LIFE…


There are no deep theories or formulas in these words.

They are not a literary work of art.

They are straight forward.

And are written in normal everyday language.


Everything that you are about to read you already know.

Because you were born with all that you need to SUCCEED in life.


There is just one simple message for you…

Here it is!

All that you need to be able to find HAPPINESS and SUCCESS is YOU!


You just have to concentrate on YOU.

And all that YOU think and do.

If YOU are balanced.

If YOU are in tune with yourself.

If YOU are focussed.

If YOU are courageous.                     

And fearless.



All that YOU are.

And all that YOU will ever be.

Is a direct result of YOUR thoughts.

YOUR dreams…

The decisions that YOU make.

And the actions that YOU take.

(David Laight).


So make sure that you only think POSITIVE, HEALTHY, thoughts….

If you listen to and analyse the teachings of the rich, the famous, the successful and those world class motivational speakers.

You will find that although their stories and teachings are dressed up and packaged in a different way.


The advice is exactly the same.  

It boils down to the following:






This blog is not huge.

Size, is not the prize…

It will not take long to read.

It is simple and offers up very little that you do not know.


But if YOU read it.

And if YOU keep reading it.

And if YOU digest the information in it.

And if YOU commit to it.

And if YOU act on it.

YOU will enhance your LIFE.


Everybody is looking to enhance their life in some way…

Take a walk down the street.

You will come across many different types of people.

Fat, thin, rich, poor, happy, unhappy, successful, unsuccessful, old, young.

All colours, creeds, races, and religions. 

If you talk with them.

You will discover that they are ALL looking to make some changes, some improvements in their lives.

Without exception!


Here is the thing….

No matter where you are in your life.

YOU can make changes.

YOU can switch things up.


So, READ, DIGEST and ENJOY this book and go and CHANGE your LIFE!



The aim of these words is to move YOU significantly in your thinking.

To enable YOU to experience constant happiness in your life.

And to equip YOU with the knowledge to be able to go out in your life and to experience and achieve all of the things that you desire.

To be able to make your dreams come true.

At the end of the day it is all simple.

Just as life can be straight forward and simple…


There are only three chapters to this blog:






So read, enjoy and then read again and again…

Open your mind to make some changes in your thinking.

And open your mind to possibility.

Go looking for SUCCESS and HAPPINESS.

You WILL be surprised by what you will find.







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Everything that YOU experience in your life emanates from YOU.

YOU are the centre of your world.

What YOU think, the DESIONS that YOU make.

How YOU feel, your EMOTIONS.

How YOU act, your RESPONSES.


Is a direct result of your THOUGHTS and ACTIONS.


For YOU to live a long, active and happy life.

YOU have to be on top form.

It is not enough to be the best driver in the world to win the Formula One Championship.

One has to combine this with the best engineered car.

The driver and the car have to be in the best condition, to be in tune, to be GREAT.


For YOU to find your greatness.

For YOU to go and get what YOU want in life.

For YOU to be happy.

YOU must ensure that the DRIVER of your life – YOU – your MIND!

And your vehicle – your BODY!

Are both in the best shape and both in TUNE.


It is vitally important that YOU take care of YOU both MENTALLY and PHYSICALLY.

How much time do YOU spend on your PHYSICAL and MENTAL wellbeing?

How much time do YOU spend thinking about YOU?

Thinking about what you want and how you are going to get it.


Making your way through life can be akin to a tightrope walker negotiating a tight rope.

It is all a question of BALANCE, TRAINING and NERVE.

The most important aspect being BALANCE.

BALANCE, TRAINING and NERVE are vital in you negotiating your life successfully.

The most important aspect being BALANCE.

It is imperative that you achieve BALANCE in your thinking.


The human condition is to think negative thoughts.


Because we live in a negative world.

Negative thoughts are like the weeds that grow in the garden.

They will grow just about anywhere and they need little light, food or soil to grow.

If left unattended weeds will dominate and strangle the life out of any pretty, positive plants trying to grow.

Negative thoughts act in exactly the same way.

It doesn’t take much for them to enter your mind and develop.

And if left unattended, if left to their own devises.

They will dominate, take over and kill off any positive thoughts that you have.

In extreme cases creating a negative shell of a person, leaving behind a zombie, the walking dead…


You must achieve BALANCE between your negative and your positive thoughts.

In fact achieving an IMBALANCE between them is the ideal.

The more positive thoughts and the less negative thoughts you have – the HAPPIER you will be.

It is also imperative that you achieve BALANCE in your health and fitness.

BALANCE in your eating, drinking and exercising.

You do not need videos, books, diet plans, exercise plans, etc. to achieve BALANCE in this area of your life.

You think you do – but you don’t.


If you look you will discover that you already possess internally the wisdom and the knowledge that you need to keep healthy.

YOU will know if you are eating unhealthily.

YOU will know if you are not taking enough exercise.

And YOU will know when to seek medical advice.


If you listen, you will hear a voice inside of you, your INTUITION, giving you all the good advice that you need.

The question is.

Will you listen for and to the voice, and will you act on the advice that it gives you?

Your INTUITION has two voices – positive and negative.

They talk to you constantly, whilst you are awake and whilst you are asleep - through your dreams.


You were born with the positive voice in you – your INSTINCT.

The negative voice is developed by you as you live your life.

The longer you live the more the negative conditioning of life acts on you.

And because Human beings have a tendency to focus on the negative - to play safe.

The longer you live the more influence the negative voice in you can have.


Trust and have faith in your positive thoughts – your INSTINCT.

Take note of them and act on them.

Because your INSTINCT was given to you by the Universe, by Life, by your God.

Just as birds know when and where to migrate to in order to follow the warmer weather.

Without training or experience - by following their INSTINCT – that was given to them by Life.

By following your INSTINCT you will end up in the right place.


It is imperative that you dispel and remove as much negativity in your life.

Dwelling on and living with negativity will hold you back.

Most negativity is based on fear.

And most fears are unfounded.


Negativity and fear, worry and anxiety will only serve to pull you down.

The antidote to negativity is positivity.

To keep positive you have to constantly train your mentality to search for the positive.

TRAINING your mind to look for the positive is essential to happiness and success.

Remove yourself from negative influences.

If you are serious about finding your HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

You must concentrate only on what affects you.

Keep your distance from negative sources especially newspapers, news broadcasts and soap operas on television.

Above all remove yourself, do not associate with or listen to negative people.


Your HAPPINESS and SUCCESS is dependent on one thing – YOU.

Here is the truth!

The harsh reality of life.

Ultimately NO ONE CARES about what you want or what you achieve in your life.

Sure your loved ones want the best for you…

But no one cares about your dreams.

Everybody is too wrapped up in their own lives to get involved in yours.

And when “bad” things come your way.

Most people are just glad it’s happening to you and not to them.


So right from the start.

Understand this.

It is on YOU and only YOU to make significant changes in your life.

It is all down to YOU.

You have to take ownership and responsibility.

You have to be the motivation and the driver.

If you wait around for help from others, YOU will be waiting for a long time.


You will find that unhappy and unsuccessful people live their lives as victims.

Wallowing in self-pity and denial.

Living in the world where it has all been done to them, where it is all someone else’s fault.

They see themselves as blameless for their situation.

Negativity is engrained in them.

They live their lives from a negative, depressed outlook.

Waiting, DEMANDING, for someone, the world, life, friends, family or the state to help them out, to give them their break.

Guess what?

No one comes along and gives them a break.

No one comes along and gives them that great job they want.

No one comes along and sorts out their finances.

No one comes along and gives them a future worth living.


Because no one cares.

Anything that one focusses on in life improves – fact!


If YOU focus on anything you want to improve in your life – it will improve.

By the same token.

Anything that you dwell on or focus on will manifest.

That is why it is so important to focus only on the positive things you want in your life.

And to remove, minimise, shut out or just plain ignore the negative things, thoughts or influences that come your way.

It is essential to live your life in the “FLIP”

At all times when those negative situations crop up.

“FLIP” them – look for the silver lining in any cloud that comes your way.

There is ALWAYS a positive if YOU look for it.


So look for the positive in any negative situation and concentrate on it.

There is an old saying from the East:




If you are struggling to find the positives in the face of failure, disasters or negative situations as they occur.

You may well be in need of support – HELP.

If YOU look for guidance with your life.

If YOU open your mind to change.

If YOU can find the humility to ask for help.

You will find it.

Or it will find YOU.


Go looking for ANGELS for assistance.

They DO exist.

SEEK and you WILL find them.

ANGELS exist in many forms and SPEAK to you in many ways.

They come to you in the form of people sent to you by Life.

A chance meeting with a stranger.

An on the hoof conversation in a corridor with a colleague.

Someone speaking on television.

An author speaking to you through their writing.

ANGELS come in many guises.

YOU will feel the benefit of their presence and advice no matter how fleeting that may be.

Often when it appears to be “game over” if you remain positive and expect to find a way forward.

If you look for an ANGEL – an ANGEL will appear.


No one has all of the answers.

Not even those at the top.

There are times when we can all benefit from advice or coaching.

Sometimes it is beneficial just to talk through problems with others.

“A problem shared is a problem halved”,


“Two heads are better than one”.


There is a real need at times for informal and formal coaching and training.

Do not shy away from asking for all types of help – from a friendly chat to formal coaching.

Do not shy away in your personal or business life.


HAPPINESS is the most precious prize to be experienced in this game that we call “LIFE”.

The definition of HAPPINESS is personal and therefore is different for each of us.

Thus HAPPINESS cannot be defined.

The golden key that opens the door to HAPPINESS for everybody however is the same.

Your MENTALITY, your outlook is the golden key.


Riches are the trap that the Universe sets for us in the pursuit of HAPPINESS.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that money, possessions and position will deliver HAPPINESS and so chase it at all costs - relentlessly.

Money can take you from one place to another.

But it cannot buy you true HAPPINESS.

So many “Wealthy” people are living proof.

The things that you can touch – money, possessions - are not where HAPPINESS is found.

The untouchable, the intangible – life, love, laughter, self-respect, well-being…

That’s where TRUE HAPPINESS lies.


Your MENTALITY will determine the levels of HAPPINESS that you achieve in your life.

Ken Dodd the very famous English comedian sang the following words from a song penned by Bill Anderson called HAPPINESS:

A wise old man told me one time,

HAPPINESS is a frame of mind,

When going to measure a person’s SUCCESS,

Don’t count their money,

Count their HAPPINESS.

No truer words have been spoken.


For YOU to find HAPPINESS you need to understand that it is an internal search – NOT external.

HAPPINESS is an inside job.

HAPPINESS is a personal pursuit.

HAPPINESS is a frame of mind.

A positive MENTALITY is the golden key to HAPPINESS.


If you focus your mind on the following you will experience true happiness.






Performing acts of kindness will make you feel happy.

Kindness is a route to happiness.

Above all be kind to yourself.


The Human condition is to be negative.

Causing many people to be hard on themselves.

To beat themselves up far harsher than they would anyone else.

Practice at all times forgiveness to others.

More importantly practice continually forgiving yourself.

A few kind words can have a huge effect on others.

A few kind words said to yourself can perform miracles.


Importantly when forgiving – forget as well.

Learn from past mistakes or misdemeanours.

But don’t dwell on them.

Ruminating over the past does nothing but hinder your future.

Take the learning – then MOVE ON!


Put GRATITUDE at the heart of your ATTITUDE.

See what YOU have got – not what YOU have not got.


Slow down, look around and appreciate the things that Life gives you. Much of it for FREE.


That’s not to say don’t go for more.

We all want more.

More money, bigger jobs, houses, cars.

To travel, to eat the best, etc.

And quite rightly so.

Money is important in helping to create HAPPINESS.

Thus money in this modern world IS as important as the air we breathe.

BUT it is not the be all and end all in obtaining HAPPINESS.


Go after your DREAMS with all that you have got.

Don’t wait around for the BLESSING.

Go out into the world and BE the BLESSING.

Make a point of going out of your way to be “THE BLESSING”.

In every single point of contact that you have with others.

To those you love.

To family, friends and acquaintances.

AND to those total strangers that you meet.

Be it in person, on the phone, email or any other forms of communication.

AND whether it is on a one to one basis or in groups or crowded rooms.


Practice acts of RANDON KINDNESS.

Ultimately Life gives to the GIVER and takes from the TAKER.

So practice GIVING - unconditionally.

It is said that it is better to GIVE than to receive.

Maybe that’s why when someone GIVES something the recipient will say, “thank you”.

Only to be told “NO IT’S MY PLEASURE “.


If you place,






At the forefront of all you do.

In your personal life and in your business life.

And always seek to set up WIN/WIN RELATIONSHIPS.

You will live a HAPPY life.

AND you will find that life will send SUCCESS your way.


Finally holding your NERVE and being COURAGEOUS is vital in your quest for HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.

Make sure that YOU follow your PASSION when chasing your DREAMS.

If YOU follow your PASSION you will maintain your MOTIVATION.







Do YOU know what YOU want to get out of YOUR life?

If YOU don’t know what YOU want – YOU won’t be able to get it.

If YOU haven’t got an aim - YOU won’t hit the TARGET.

If YOU aim at NOTHING – YOU will hit NOTHING dead on the head.


If YOU chase YOUR DREAMS – with ALL that you have – YOU can make YOUR DREAMS come true.

SO make sure that you have a GOAL, a DREAM.

If YOU haven’t got one – get one!


Before YOU go chasing a DREAM.

Make sure that it is really what YOU want.

Because it would be a shame to stand on top of the mountain, of the DREAM that YOU decided to spend years climbing.

Only to discover that YOU had decided to climb the wrong mountain.


So before you start the climb.

Take time to check out what life is like at the top of the mountain.

Check to make sure that it is everything that YOU want it to be.

And once you start to climb.

Keep reassessing your end destination.


Because many put blinkers on at the start of their climb.

And keep on climbing regardless of how unpleasant the journey is or despite the realisation that the climb will not be worth it.

And end up very unhappy as a result.


How much time do YOU spend on thinking about YOU?

Thinking about what YOU want and about how YOU are going to get it?

Spending time researching your DREAM.

Looking for and finding your source of MOTIVATION.

Reinforcing your BELIEF that the action that YOU are taking will lead to SUCCESS.

Revising your DREAM to ensure it is still what YOU want.


Do not chase money when chasing your DREAM.

Because ending up with a load of money but ending up doing something that YOU hate will not make YOU HAPPY.

Chase your PASSION and money will follow and you will end up with HAPPINESS in your life.


If all the jobs, careers or vocations in the world paid the same rate. Which one would YOU pick?

Which one would you do for free?

What is it that stirs YOU?

That rouses YOU - that gets YOUR juices flowing?

Music, sport, people, travel, writing, leading, assisting, service?

Only YOU will know.

But whatever it is – that’s your PASSION.


Do not listen to other people when deciding on a DREAM or a CHANGE in direction.

Not your family.

Not your friends.

Not your teachers.

Not your colleagues

And certainly do not let strangers influence YOUR thinking.


YOUR DREAM must be yours.

When you discover and decide on your DREAM.

YOU will have found FOCUS in your life.


Most people do not spend any time at all thinking about what they want.

Yet they moan, groan and bitch that life has not delivered it.

As a result they go through their life without FOCUS.

Drifting - unhappy, despondent and depressed.

Living and working below their POTENTIAL.

Living with regret – even if they don’t know what they regret.

And they live with sadness.


Many suffer the tragedy of discovering too late in life or at the end of their life that they never got to live or even got close to living their DREAMS.

That they never got to see what they wanted to see – or do what they wanted to do.


It’s a very tough place to be when YOU realise that YOU never did the things that YOU wanted to do – and NOW - it’s too late!

It’s said that the cemetery is the wealthiest place on Earth.

Because there YOU will find many great IDEAS and DREAMS that never came to be…

Because their authors never followed through.


Testament to this is the fact that many people at their final resting place – their deathbed.

Want to be surrounded by those they hold dear.

And they want to pass on this advice - often born out of regret.

And that is – TO LIVE YOUR DREAMS…

And to ensure that when YOU depart the planet – that YOU leave no regret behind.

So that YOU can look back and KNOW that YOU have been HAPPY.


When you are witness to a person nearing the end of their life.

And you see and sense the failures and regrets in them.

Leaping up at them.

And the realisation that they have lived a less than HAPPY life.

And it weighing heavily on their mind.

Robbing them of peace.

It is a very unpleasant experience.

Do everything in YOUR power to ensure that YOU live YOUR life to the full!

So that as YOU get close to departing the planet – YOU are carrying no such regrets.


When pursuing HAPPINESS and DREAMS it is imperative that YOU maintains the mind of a child.

Because YOU have to use your IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY.

And children’s IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY has no limits.

Remove life’s shackles when DREAMING, often they don’t really exist anyway.


Use your MINDSIGHT not your eyesight when looking forward and PLANNING your success.

Those who look forward with eyesight can be hindered by their past and present.

Their VISION of the future is based on their past and their present circumstance.

Wonderful if you come from a strong base.

Not good if you come from a less than good base.


Those operating from MINDSIGHT look forward with the VISION of how “things” could be.

They do not let their past and present circumstance, if less than perfect, influence their BELIEF on how things will be.

BELIEF is everything.


If YOU want to SUCCEED in life and to be truly HAPPY.

Make sure that YOU do not succumb to “cheating” on LIFE.

Just as water will find its own level.


What YOU put into LIFE.

LIFE will give back to YOU.


There are two common ways to cheat on LIFE.


The first is making EASY money through dubious methods.

Those with no heart, courage or backbone.

Who believe that money is SUCCESS and will deliver HAPPINESS.

Take this route.

They bypass the hard work, determination, resilience and courage needed to make honest money.

By stealing and or conning their way into a cash rich life.

The thing is that YOU cannot cheat LIFE.

And YOU cannot cheat YOURSELF.

Although these people obtain the finer trappings that life has to offer.

They fail to experience TRUE HAPPINESS.

Because deep down inside.

Even if they hide it and lie to themselves.

They know that they cheated.

And as they carry this truth with them – TRUE HAPPINESS eludes them.


The second is to mask unhappiness with temporary “highs” such as drugs or alcohol.

Just as night follows day.

A temporary “High” is always followed by a massive “low”.

The “low” is always far deeper than the “high” and cuts into a person’s SOUL – destroying their very being.


You can run from life but you cannot hide.

If YOU try to cheat on your HAPPINESS, LIFE will destroy YOU.

The best “high” to experience is the natural “high” that LIFE provides. ENDORPHINES.

ENDORPHINES are LIFES natural drug.

They come from exercise and adrenaline - from hard, honest output.

And you cannot overdose on them and they are never followed by a “low”.




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There are three things that will enable YOU to find your HAPPINESS and SUCCESS.







Understand this:


The HAPPINESS and the SUCCESS that you achieve in your life is first and foremost – A HEAD JOB.



If you cannot see it in your mind.

If you cannot VISUALISE it.

You will never achieve “IT”.


That is why it is so important to look forward in life with MINDSIGHT and not eyesight.

Do not let your past or present circumstance, if they are not great, impact on the vision that you have for your future.

It is imperative that YOU see only GREAT THINGS and HAPPINESS in your FUTURE.


If YOU do GREATNESS and HAPPINESS will find you.

The law of attraction will kick in.

Positive attracts positive.


BUT be careful because negative attracts negative.


No matter where you are in your life.

No matter your age or your situation.

You can always switch things up and make changes and improvements.


But it all starts with YOUR mentality.

It’s about YOU.

It’s up to YOU.

It’s because of YOU.


Key to achieving HAPPINESS is to determine what your VALUES are.

What YOU stand for - No matter what difficulties, tragedies or success that you experience.

Once you determine your values and place them at the heart of whatever you think, do or achieve.

If you are true to yourself.

You will find peace in any decision, venture or situation that you find yourself in.


When YOU decide what YOU want – your VISION.

And YOU have total BELIEF that YOU will get it.

And YOU have BELIEF that your quest will be WORTH it.

If YOU keep true to your VALUES - when chasing your DREAM.

And if YOU keep true to your VALUES - on reaching your GOAL.

YOU will discover HAPPINESS.


SO do you know what you want?

When setting out your goal – your DREAM…


Keep a young outlook at heart – keep the mind of a child.

Children have no barriers.

Immaturity can be a major asset.

There are many “mature” people, living within themselves and below their potential because of their mature outlook.

When dreaming remove any hurdles in your thinking.


Dream big, be expansive, limitless…

If your dreams do not seem impossible and if they do not scare you they are not big enough.


When your dream comes to you.

Life will instantly start challenging you.

It will throw negative thoughts at you.

And because of the negative conditioning of life it is easy to listen to these thoughts and to dismiss your dream.


This is the first and most important challenge to your dream that you will experience.

This is life testing you, testing your resolve…

Because if you can’t convince yourself that you can “make it”.

If you give up at this first obstacle.

There is no way on this earth that you will see your dream through to the end.

And if you can’t convince yourself that you can achieve the impossible, there is no way that you will convince anyone else.

Get past this first challenge and YOU are on your way.


BELIEF defines an IDEA, a VISION or a PRINCIPLE that one judges to be true.

BELIEF is everything.


If you don’t believe in YOU or your IDEAS – no-one else will.

If YOU can “see it” and YOU “BELIEVE it”, YOU can go on and “achieve it”.


If you are struggling with your belief.

Look towards role models.


Who has done what you are setting out to do.

If they have done it.

Then YOU can do it.

Just copy what they did – if you can do it even better – great!


Before April 1954 no one had ever ran a mile below 4 minutes.

And many had tried over many years.

It was a common belief that it was an impossible thing to do.

Then along came Rodger Banister who created history by running the mile in under 4 minutes.

The extraordinary thing is.

Since that time over 25,000 people have done it - including school kids.

And the thing that changed!

The thing that enabled these 25,000 people to do what was deemed impossible.

Was their BELIEF!

Once they had seen someone break the 4 minute mile.

A role model was born.

And the BELIEF around being able to run a mile in under 4 minutes was changed.

People could see that it could be done.

They knew that if Rodger could do it then they could do it.

BELIEF changed the world.


If you can’t find a role model.

Try this - Kid yourself - lie to yourself.

Operate with blind faith.


If the United States of America could lie to themselves to say that they would send a man to stand on the moon.

Something that at the time many thought impossible.

AND they went on and did it.


What can YOU go on to achieve – when all doubt you – even yourself?


Two things will stop you from living a great life and fulfilling your DREAMS:


1 – Your FEAR.

2 – Dream BUSTERS.


Some fears are good – they can save your life.

But most fears are unfounded, have no substance and never materialise.

And they can do untold damage to YOU.

To your confidence, your outlook and how YOU live your life.

FEAR destroys lives…


Fear of failure is the biggest fear that stops people dead in their tracks.

Causing people to hide behind words like but, can’t and what if?

To give up often before they even get started.

To retreat to the comfort zone of “not going for it”.


Here is a big lesson.

The world has been BUILT on failure. 

The reality is no one or nothing has ever succeeded without failing first.


Failure is the building blocks for success.

Failure is where the real learning takes place.

It is essential to view failure as stepping stones to success.

So look forward to your future failures.

Expect them, and welcome them.


Run, work towards your failures, take the learning and move forward.

Remember FAIL FORWARD.  


If YOU confront your FEARS.

If YOU stand up to them.

YOU will find that they will disappear.


So go beyond your FEARS.

At decision times.

Ask yourself this question.

It is the BIGGEST question that one can ask oneself:


Ask yourself - then follow the answer.  


Dream BUSTERS come in all shapes and sizes.

They can be Family, Friends, Colleagues or Strangers.

But the biggest dream BUSTER to be wary of and to avoid is YOURSELF.


Dream BUSTERS are those “Drainers” in life.

Those who talk down Ideas, Propositions, Situations, Dreams and just about anything.

They come with a negative outlook and pour doubt, scorn and water on YOUR fire of desire.

They can operate and work on you maliciously or unconsciously.

They will talk YOU out of your DREAMS.


Do not listen to and certainly do not follow their advice.

Stay away at all costs from negative people.

Negativity is counselled out by positivity.

So fill your day, fill your mind with positive thoughts.


Stay away from newspapers, news casts and the soaps on T.V.

Watch positive programming – you tube is a great resource.

Listen to motivational music, read this book – again and again.

And live the mantra:






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As a motivational speaker.

My role is:


To DISTRACT one’s day, to be an interruption.

To break the chain of thought or actions.

To DISPUTE thinking – thought processes.

To INSPIRE – to motivate and create a thirst to follow passion.


My job is to help realise DREAMS and to encourage the steps to get closer to goals and HAPPINESS. 


The message that I deliver is applicable to individuals, teams, departments and companies on personal and on business levels.

When living and working for a reason, with passion and focus - life is enriched.


Everybody craves SUCCESS and HAPPINESS.


My message is that they are both within reach.

If only one looks for them and works towards them.

And that SUCCESS and HAPPINESS are not just for those blessed with a super talent.


They are there for the normal, average, person in the street – no matter what the starting point may be.

Just like a bug HAPPINESS can be caught.

And if it is caught and worked on and developed the sky is the limit.


SUCCESS comes from hard work, from desire, hunger and a will to keep going despite failure and disappointment – born out of the BELIEF and CONVICTION that desire brings. 


When an individual discovers their why, their purpose.

And they chase it with all they have got – the outcome can be spectacular.


When it happens within a business – watch absence levels and labour turnover reduce – whilst morale, customer service, team working, productivity, efficiencies and PROFITS soar.


It all starts with the INDIVIDUAL.


Whether as an individual or as an individual within a team, department or a company.

Because a company is only as good as the individuals working in it.


When you are rowing a boat it helps if all the crew are rowing in the same direction.


It is all about MINDSET – it’s an inside job.


If YOU are thinking that YOU or YOUR department, team or business could benefit from an intervention – you are ready.

And as the saying goes:

“When the student is ready - I WILL APPEAR.”


My talks are delivered with passion, pace, personality, power, humour and humility.

The learnings are taken from years at the “University of Business and Personal Life”.

From the successes and failures encountered on my journey…


The power of my talks is that they come from the heart of a normal average guy.

Everybody at one time or another can benefit from some coaching.


World class performers seek coaching on a daily basis even though they are at the top of their game.

They get upset if coaching is not provided.


Mere mortals get upset when coaching is offered.

They see it as a slur on their reputation.

As a bad thing, something to be ashamed of.


When a mere mortal is offered coaching their first thought often is:

“Why me? – Why pick on me? – What have I done wrong?”


Often those at the top.   

Those who set the tone, the climate and the weather in their business.

Who have the greatest impact on the Key Business Indicators.

Fail to see the impact that they are having in their business and the fact that it is they who need the benefit of coaching.


Those who are open minded to see that engagement of the people who work for them is a critical mechanic in SUCCESS.

Experience a greater sense of HAPPINESS in their lives.


I can provide bespoke:


Key note address.


One to one coaching.

Group coaching.

Business needs analysis.

Change management.


And I work, operate and talk in the “REAL” world using everyday language.


We all start dying from the moment that we are born.

Many die “mentally” before their time because of the negativity life has heaped on them.

They shut themselves down.

They end up sleep walking through life.

They are the walking, talking dead…

Having closed their minds to change, to opportunity.

Living fearful lives – living below their potential.

Living with regret and unhappiness.


So if you are ready for change.

If you want to significantly make positive changes in your life.

If you want to find HAPPINES and SUCCESS.

Read these words again and again.

Act on the simple teachings in these words – they are effective.


If you require more meat on the bone – read my book:




Or book me as a speaker, trainer or coach.


Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to ask for help.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to ask for help.


If you ask for help – help will be forth coming.

And you never know – I might be the ANGEL that you are looking for…










[email protected]









    “A life without happiness is a wasted life” (David Laight) If you want to be happy. Or you want.



    “A life without happiness is a wasted life” (David Laight) If you want to be happy. Or you want.



    HAPPINESS Every person on the planet wants to be happy. Happiness is the single most important thing that we all chase…



    Every person on the planet wants to be happy. Happiness is the single most important thing that we all chase and want…

