A View on Perspective
Perspective is important. These were the glasses I was wearing during my assault. One punch distorted them this much and they tumbled to the floor. I endured six punches to the face in total and my head hit against the wall behind me. It's why it took me so long to restrain my attacker: not only was my sight compromised and the alarm not being responded to (can't go into why) but for a short while I was convinced I wasn't going to get out of that room breathing. That might sound extreme, but it's the truth. Traumatic experiences leave their mark on your psyche. If you read my poem "Death" in Lost Soul: Poetry From A Broken Mind And My Journey Of Recovery you'll understand just how much impact this event had on me. You'll perhaps understand why I now endure the challenges I do. I'm glad I've kept these glasses as a physical reminder of how lucky I am to be here.