Look the Part... Play the Part!*
Bryan Yager
My passion is helping leaders, teams and organizations achieve results and expand their capacity for growth and success.
First a quote: “You have to dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” – Austin Kleon
Hello and happy Monday,
Many, many years ago, in a place far, far away, I was taught the importance of dressing for success.
In those days, it was common for salespeople to research a prospective client organization before making an initial sales call. It was viewed as important to identify the prevailing “dress codes, norms and practices” of that company prior to visiting for the first time.
Sales professionals were often taught to either match their attire to that of their prospective client, or even target one level above. So, if they were calling on a company where open shirts and sport jackets were the norm for men, it was suggested male salespeople wear at least a tie, if not tie and suitcoat. (Sorry, I don’t pretend to have a clue what that meant for women then, or what it means now.)
Likewise, many career advisers taught a similar approach for people aspiring to climb the corporate ladder. It was suggested people dress to the social norms of those on the next level of the organizational chart. As Austin Kleon suggests,
“Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”
While I suspect this approach has become somewhat passé in many work environments today, I believe most successful people remain careful about not becoming too lax in their appearance, dress, and/or professional standards. (Perhaps a topic for another day, this also applies to our recent “work-from-home-virtual” worlds. If you’re looking for a promotion, attending a virtual team meeting in your pj’s is not likely to help your cause.)
My intended focus today, however, is not about fashion, dress codes, or even dressing for success. I merely intended to use this discussion as a metaphor of sorts.
My intended focus is on what many people refer to as Executive Presence. While looking the part may, or may not, carry the weight it once did, behaving to the level of our aspirations still does! Successful people play the part.
Just like people were once advised to dress one level up, I propose people must behave at least one level up. Successful people think and act to the level of their aspirations. They not only look the part, but they also play the part.
If a person desires to move up the organizational chart, then their attitude, language, demeanor, and behavior must also reflect a higher level of responsibility, perhaps even a higher level of maturity.
Do you remember your parents telling you to act your age?? Boy, I sure do!? If only I had listened more.
Executive Presence can be difficult to define, or even describe. I have seen it referred to as the “It Factor.” People seem to know it when they see it.
“Executive presence is credibility that goes beyond a title. - Tom Henschel
In essence, executive presence is how you show up, it is reflected in how you appear, behave, and communicate.
I offer the following tips and suggestions as a starting point for your consideration:
Are you “looking the part” of the position you aspire to? What about your actions, attitude, and demeanor? Maybe this is a good week for self-reflection and honest assessment.
How will you live, love, or lead, differently, or better, this coming week?
Bryan Yager
“Expanding Your Capacity for Success”
* Updated and revised. Originally published on January 25, 2021
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?Bonus Quotes: