Look Out, Here We Come!
Opening a new territory is both intimidating and the most natural thing in the world. When you're good at something, why wouldn't you expand? And yet, if you've never been to a particular place, can you find a foothold? We're going to find out! (and the early signs looks like the answer is "yes, we can").
Established in 1986, The Sales Group serves the public safety sector and wireless communication industry on the west coast. In February of this year, we expanded to cover Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. This makes TSG the largest manufacturers representative in the industry with ten employees, covering thirteen western states. Most of our team have either earned the designation Certified Professional Manufacturers Representative or Certified Sales Professional...or even both!
As you can see, I get to all of my territory. Because your solutions don't need to wait until I cross the border, I am also available by phone, email, private message on LinkedIn, and video conference. When you're ready to learn more about solutions you need, let's talk!
Look out! Here comes The Sales Group!
Karen Jefferson IEBB CSP CPMR is a manufacturers representative from way back. When she wasn't a rep, she was helping teach reps how to be better reps. She also helped manufacturers improve their relationships and networks. #911ProfessionalPride #avtec #motorola #ConceptSeating #etherstack #GME #P25 #GwayMicrowave #JPS #Kirisun #MSC #MetricSystems #Phase4Design #PMAM #RuggOn #Versafied #TCCommunication #Telewave #antenna #duplexers #SMR #TestEquipment #tablets #rugged #FAMS #FalseAlarms #PredictivePolicing #Law #CrimeDisruptor #PTP #DMR #interoperability #controlroom #railroad #247chairs #dispatchertraining #dispatch #stancil #synergon #loggingrecorder #Microsoft #GoldCertified #LMR #radios #wireless #publicsafety #emergencyresponse #fire #EMT #ambulance #oilandgas #manufacturing #railroads #hospitals #DOT #utilities #dealer #city #state #county #federal #911 #EMA #IRT #IDT #SWAT #Sheriff #ChiefOfPolice #AI #ML #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #saas