Look like the Professional you are!
Your Client’s First Impression of You
Where does your client get their first impression of you? No, it is not when they meet you at your office or during a business transaction. In today’s world, it is usually on the Internet. It could be on a web page for your company or you may have your own website or they may even be checking you out on Face Book & LinkedIn. Your business head shot can be your first impression and is VERY important.
How you are portrayed in your business head shot is very important. How professional is your online presence? It is not just your business info but also the language you use. You may not want your personal FB page to be available to everyone – be selective. Keep a separate FB page for business contacts. The first thing they see is a picture of you. Is it a family snapshot showing you relating to your family? Guess what! They don’t really care. They want to find out about YOU!
Hopefully, you haven’t bought into the current “selfie” trend. A professional business head shot makes a major difference in appearance
If you want to be thought of as a Professional, you have to look the part. The Professional Head Shot is one of the most important Portraits you will ever have done. It is a portrait that can increase your income by bringing you more clients. It can portray you on your business cards, your web page, your letterhead and yes, on your brochures. This is your “first impression”. You can also opt for a Portrait that is more than a Head Shot – great for your literature and other print & online media.
Depending on the type of business people own, a more casual wardrobe may be very appropriate. For most businesses however, more formal business attire is the order of the day. Ladies, you may not wear a suit all the time but a jacket over your dress is very important in your Portrait. It speaks volumes.
Gentlemen, a suit and tie or a sports coat and tie are a necessity to make that first impression a good one. You may not wear a tie all the time but for your Business Head Shot, it looks so much better. Business casual is ok on the golf course but not at the top of your letterhead or on your business cards.
When you decide what to wear for your Business Head Shot, consider the colors you are wearing. Solid colors are best and stand the test of time. Make sure the color is flattering to your skin tone and hair color. If in doubt, bring a couple of outfits or jackets to your photo shoot. Your photographer can help you pick the one that makes you look your best. You can have some shots taken with different jackets or for the women, different accent scarves. When you see your online proofs, then you can decide what you like best. A professional associate can also give you feedback on your proofs.
You are a professional – let your clients and prospective clients see it in that First Impression. Remember, your first impression can last forever in a client’s mind.