Look For The Light
Ronda Cobb, The Money Coach?
Helping Those With Debt in Our "Done For You" Customized Debt Resolution - Medical or Credit Card | Financial Literacy iCourse | NEW: Coming Soon! | Retirement Plans |
The road to perdition is paved with good intentions. We've all heard that saying, yet we usually prefer to apply it to others' mistakes. For today though, let's look at ourselves and take a brief, quick survey:
- Do you INTEND to have a financial plan in place prior to your passing?
- Do you choose NOT to leave your loved ones in the lurch?
If you answered yes to both of the above questions, there is one more:
- Is your plan in place, active & maintained in good order?
If not, today is a good day to make an appointment to get your plan in place. Leaving your loved ones in the lurch is a preventable heartache. Regardless of your status or age, now is a good time to start your plan. The power of compounding interest will aide you in achieving your goals.
Look for the light to guide you...Avoid the Lurch...Turn your Intention into Action.
You'll be glad you did. Your loved ones will be glad you did. I know you can do it!
From a Life of Quiet Desperation to a Life of Abundance. Let me know how you’re doing and if you’re ready for assistance. Remember, Be Grateful and You Will Attract Good Things.
www.rcmoneycoach.com [email protected]; Ronda Cobb, BSME (LinkedIn)