A Look at Jihad in the Quran (Part 2)
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A Look at Jihad in the Quran (Part 2)

Jt Pinna

In the wake of events such as the rise of ISIS, terrorist attacks in Moscow, and the October 7th attack, there has been an increased interest in jihad. Many people are asking questions like “What is Jihad?” and “Is jihad as violent as these terrorists make it sound?” The word jihad has indeed taken on negative connotations today, but this can be attributed to extremists who have twisted its meaning to suit their agenda. The negative associations with jihad are unfortunate because the Quranic definition of this word is quite beautiful. Even if you have never read the Quran before, if you’ve heard about Jihad from a friend or on social media, you probably already know more about it than you think!

Why does the Quran use the Word “Jihad”?

In many religions, including Islam, the word jihad is used to describe a spiritual struggle within the human soul. It is a struggle between the lower self, which desires evil, and the higher self, which desires good. Jihad is a struggle against the ego and the evil inside every person’s heart. So, what is the significance of the word “Jihad”? Why did the Quran choose this word to refer to this struggle? The answer may lie in the Arabic root of this word. The root j-h-d has several meanings, one of which is “effort.” Therefore, the Quran is saying that the struggle against evil within oneself is an effort that each person must make.

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What does Jihad Mean in the Quran?

The Quran uses the word jihad in the sense of a “struggle against one’s evil nature and evil in the world.” Jihad is a struggle against our faults, such as greed, anger, or ignorance. It is a struggle against inequality, injustice, and oppression. It is also a struggle against prejudice and false ideologies that promote hatred and violence. Jihad is a struggle for self-improvement and the betterment of society. It is a constant effort to improve ourselves ethically and spiritually. It is a struggle against the negative forces in society that try to drag us down and keep us from reaching our full potential as human beings. It is a struggle to build a just and equitable society. Jihad is an inner struggle and an outer struggle. It is the struggle to do what is right and to refrain from doing what is wrong. The effort to build a just society by resisting the negative forces prevents this from happening. It is a constant struggle for every person and every society.

Jihad Against Oppression

The Quran mentions explicitly that jihad against oppression is one of the highest forms of jihad. In a hadith (sayings of the prophet), the Prophet Muhammad said: “There are two types of jihad, one is the jihad against self, and the other is jihad against the enemy. The best of jihad is the one against self, and the best of what is against self is the jihad against the oppression of others.” The Quran and the hadith are very clear that fighting the wrongdoings of others does not negate the importance of fighting one’s own inner demons. We need to be vigilant against the evil in our society, as well as the evil in our hearts.

Jihad as a Spiritual Struggle Against Darkness

The Quran mentions that all human beings are in a battle between good and evil. This battle is both external, as we struggle against the forces that try to drag us down, and internal, as we struggle against the negative tendencies within our nature. This is why jihad is relevant to every person in every society. It is a constant battle against the forces that seek to hinder our personal growth and society from reaching its full potential as a place of peace and prosperity for all. Jihad is a struggle against the “false self” that lurks within each of us. It is a constant struggle against the negative traits present in all human beings, such as greed, anger, selfishness, apathy, and ignorance. It is the effort to build a just society by resisting the forces preventing this. It is a constant struggle, for every person and every society.

Defense of the Muslim Community

The Quran also mentions that fighting a defensive war is also jihad. In a hadith, the prophet Muhammad is reported to have said: “The person who is injured by the oppression of the authorities is like the one who is struggling in the path of Allah.” This means that if you defend yourself or your community against an oppressor, you are struggling in the path of Allah. If the authorities are committing atrocities against innocent people in your society, or if the authorities are oppressing the members of your community, then you have every right to fight injustice and defend your community. The Quran strongly condemns oppression, and it also condemns those who stay silent when they have the power to combat it.

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Struggle for Justice

The Quran also mentions that advocating for justice is also jihad. In a hadith, the prophet Muhammad is reported to have said: “To strive for the cause of Allah and to refrain from harming people is jihad.” If you advocate for social justice by working for the betterment of society, you are struggling in the path of Allah. Struggling for justice does not mean imposing a new set of unjust laws or authority on society. It means to struggle against the forces that prevent justice from taking place. For example, if you stand up against racism and discrimination, or if you fight for the rights of the oppressed and the downtrodden, then you are struggling in the path of Allah.

The Quran mentions jihad many times. It uses this word in several different contexts, and it is important to understand the different meanings of this term. Jihad is a struggle against the false self, against the wrongdoings in society, and against the negative forces that prevent society from becoming just and equitable. Most importantly, jihad is a struggle in the path of Allah. It is an effort to serve the divine will, one of the most beautiful concepts in the Quran.


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