Look inside Coaching and Mentoring for Dummies
Want to know what’s inside Coaching and Mentoring for Dummies? A lot. Download and start reading the table of contents and the first two chapters to get an idea: Coaching-and-Mentoring-for-Dummies-Preview.pdf
Check out customer reviews on Amazon, like this one:
"Don't let the title fool you! Super helpful book for both new and experienced managers. Based on the title, I was expecting this book to include relatively elementary leadership and coaching concepts. Instead, I found a wonderful balance of timeless people management principles combined with recent and relevant workplace dynamics such as managing for diversity, generational differences, impacts of covid, etc. It is organized in a way that allows you to skim through the concepts you feel are your strengths and go deep into the areas where you can improve as a leader, mentor and coach. It is also the kind of book that you can grab off the shelf in the future when you need a quick refresher to address a challenging situation. I have been managing people for over 30 years and have learned a lot along the way. Nevertheless, Coaching and Mentoring for "Dummies" really helped me raise my game." - Jeff Cleator
The loneliness loop thrives on digital
Reprinted from Dr. Sahar Yousef and Lucas Miller
Loneliness is a tricky adversary.
Hungry people will end the affliction if they can—by eating. Loneliness often leads to more loneliness, creating a loneliness loop. Insecurity, nerves, and anxiety set in, so we start to avoid opportunities for social connection.
Digital channels contribute to this downward spiral. A face-to-face meeting becomes a call becomes an email becomes a text message. Our loneliness-induced insecurity prefers these channels that lack human touch and eye contact, making the problem worse.
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Is Everyone Moving to Portugal?
I spent three weeks in Portugal this April helping two friends move there. They moved into a villa in Porto that needed paint and light fixtures. I’ve done my share of home repairs and was a house painter in my younger days, so I offered to help. Very entertaining figuring out how to get supplies and transport everything on the public bus. Mission accomplished and they were thankful.
P.S. I’m preparing to teach another year of emerging leaders, part of American Council for Engineering Companies (ACEC) Oregon’s Leadership Development Series. Even if you’re not an engineer, you’ll get a lot out of the seven modules, which are both in person and virtual. Limited to 16, so register today.