A look into the impact of COVID-19 on the telecoms industry and how they are planning for the future, featuring Nicola Green, Corporate Affairs Direct
Nicola Green, Corporate Affairs Director, O2

A look into the impact of COVID-19 on the telecoms industry and how they are planning for the future, featuring Nicola Green, Corporate Affairs Direct

While some businesses have struggled against the slowdown induced by the pandemic, the telecommunications industry has experienced the opposite; the nation has relied on them more now than ever before. We sat down (virtually!) with Nicola Green, Corporate Affairs Director at O2 to get a better idea of the impact of COVID-19 on O2 and the steps they are taking now as we *hopefully* move out of the crisis. From seeing a 60% increase in voice traffic as well as a shift in where people are using the network, they have had to work quickly and implement some creative campaigns to keep the UK connected. 

Welcome to our ‘Getting Business Back’ series where we are talking to industry leaders from agency and inhouse backgrounds about the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses and the steps they are taking as we move out of the crisis.

Here, we sat down (virtually) with Nicola Green, Corporate Affairs Director at O2. Read on for her thoughts about the impact of COVID-19 and the transformations that she’s seen take place as a result of the pandemic.

What impact has COVID-19 had on your business and on your sector as a whole? 

For the telecommunications industry, the nation has relied on our network now more than ever. Calls, texts, working from home, connecting with family, ordering your takeaway... everybody has needed to use our devices which is brilliant. Also, you've got the likes of the NHS and emergency services who have absolutely had to rely on mobile tech to do what they need to do. And voice traffic specifically has increased by nearly 60% at peak times. If you think about it, over the years we've seen increases in data, but not voice. What COVID did was massively spike up voice traffic. And calls are now lasting 40% longer. Sometimes you'd call your kid and say, 'Are you on your way home?', and that would be it. Now you're calling your family who perhaps you don't speak to on a regular basis to check in and make sure everyone is okay.

We've also found a real shift of people using our networks, right into suburbia. We've built our networks around big cities, so we've had to totally change our infrastructure to keep the UK talking by strengthening it in the suburbs because people are working at home more. Our network engineers have been working harder than ever to keep things running smoothly.

From our perspective, we are doing everything we can do for customers of course, but we're also doing a lot of other things. For instance, we're making sure that people who are vulnerable still have access to mobile technology and making sure we give extra data to our prepaid customers so that they can talk. 

The key things obviously have been our customers and making sure that they can connect, but also our people. We've had a lot of big decisions from a corporate communications function, such as when do we close our stores down. We actually did it a day before the government announced the lockdown because we could feel the tension brewing. It's made a remarkable difference in terms of how it's brought us closer together as an organisation. Whereas before, you had your head office and all your retail staff. Now, I think because we made some really big decisions for our people on the front line, they've actually appreciated the decisions that we made and been extremely grateful, so much so we've seen an increase in our engagement scores purely through this time and that's because of the actions that we took very early on. Read on for the full interview here.

Hanson Search has launched ‘Getting Business Back’ series where we are talking to industry leaders from agency and inhouse backgrounds about the impact of COVID 19 on their businesses and the steps they are taking as we move out of the crisis. We hope these insights help to share learns for other businesses across the industry.

More from our Getting Business Back Series:

Getting Business Back Series: Valérie Lecasble, General Manager, H+K Strategies Paris

Getting Business Back Series: Simon Whitehead, CEO UK, H+K Strategies

Getting Business Back Series: Tim Rutter, Head of Communications, Tata Steel UK

Getting Business Back Series: Paul Davies, Managing Director, firstlight PR

Getting Business Back Series: Anne Le Brouster, Managing Director, Golin Paris

Getting Business Back Series: Russ Brady, Head of PR, Co-op

Getting Business Back: Sandrine Cormary, General Manager, Omnicom PR Group France

Getting Business Back: Mathieu Collet, CEO and Founder, Euros / Agency Group

Getting Business Back Series: Nazim Damardji, CEO and Founder, Fabriq

Alice Weightman is the Founder and CEO of Hanson Search, an international talent consultancy for the communications and marketing industry, and The Work Crowd, a platform to connect businesses to the best freelancers in communications and marketing. Contact [email protected] 


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