A look at the Gold and Silver Charts (31.10.2024)

A look at the Gold and Silver Charts (31.10.2024)

Markets ahead- Hedgeye cartoon

Blind Lady Justice opened the bandage to see money cartoon

Right now in this very silly time of US elections, any nuance can change the direction of the markets in a heartbeat. Trump is losing, markets go down, oil prices surge, and gold soars. DJT shares collapse.

Camila is losing, the reverse happens.
War, expected outcomes are based on which presidency is in power.?

How have we allowed such a situation to arise? This really is the tail wagging the dog. I do not believe we have seen fair elections for decades if not longer. There has been a selection process, not an election process since I was a child. In my opinion, it has not changed. The methodology has certainly changed. Computers have made it easier to cheat.

I believe that humanity has to take back control of all governments or we will have more of the same into infinity.

?This is truly beginning to feel like Hunger Games, perhaps fiction becoming reality.

If we do not remove the people responsible for holding humanity back in many avenues of development and the total control of the populations we will continue to be further subjugated and entirely ‘owned’.

Amazing, freeing inventions are being withheld from humanity in order to keep us tied to the grid and totally controlled. This relates to free electricity and free fuel in particular as well as cancer cures where doctors have been ‘suicided’.

5,784 Patents have been hidden from humanity under ‘The Invention Secrecy Act’

About 25 old secrecy orders are rescinded each year while 117 new ones are imposed annually.

The more I think about it the more it is patent to me that we are totally owned and controlled. I keep thinking ‘You don’t own me’, I keep answering, ‘Oh yes you do’. I hate this feeling.?

We desperately need to shake off the chains.

We must have a system in place to replace the current system with a more workable, more inclusive system that utilizes the abundant gifts we have as humanity.

We could start by dramatically reducing government, removing all unnecessary laws, regulations and rules. Stop the ridiculous reporting requirements, free up banking. Stop treating bank clients like criminals and begin to see the banks for the real criminals that they are….

Set term limits on all public positions, remove ten outdated useless laws for each new one introduced. Plus remove the thousands more useless make-work laws.


The BRIC’s, working under the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), to establish the ‘alternatecurrency was a huge red flag for an ‘alternate’ system. So now the BIS is looking at scuttling the system. (I wonder who got to whom).

What fools thought they could have a system, mBRIDGE, opposing the dollar system with no push back. BIS were content to leave it until there was substance. Then act against it.

Was this just another rigged system to push us into? It would appear so to me.

We need a completely non-political, non-partisan, monetary system for the benefit of every individual and every organization.?

This system needs to work completely securely without interference from anyone.

If the legal system has a problem with an individual or organization, then they should take action against them. It is not our function, doing honest business, to take on the costs of law enforcement.

A non-government distributed ledger system should be utilized for all transfers. This should give all users unfettered transfers to any other recipient.

See reference here


BTC:GLD: Bitcoin outperforms gold.

$BTCUSD:$GOLD Bitcoin to US dollar/Gld CRYPT  31 October  2024

ETHUSD: Buy This is a really choppy market. It does look like this will break upwards and run.

$ETHUSD Ethereum to US Dollar  31 October 2024

BTCUSD: Hold. Reaching for new highs, looking slightly overbought.

$BTCUSD Bitcoin to US dollar CRYPT  31 October 2024


Gold outperforming gold stocks.

$GOLD:$HUI Gold- Continuous Contract (EOD) Gold Bugs Index - NYSE -  31 October  2024

Silver stocks outperform silver.

$SILVER - SIL Silver- Continuous Contract (EOD) Global X Silver Miners ETF  31 October  2024


Gold touched a new high of $2790.01 this week, and silver touched $34.54. I fear that unless silver powers on again today and tomorrow, it will leave a spike high behind, which may result in a sell-off. I would be careful moving into silver. I think Gold still has legs.

China has been disposing of its dollar reserves and purchasing gold, land, farms, and other physical assets to offset the risk of holding unbacked fiat ‘paper’ currency.

China Gold Reserves 2018-2024

China Sells U.S. Bonds 2016-2024

Silver to Gold Ratio

Silver is outperforming gold.

$GOLD:$SILVER Gold Continuous Contract - (EOD) Silver - continuous 31 October  2024


Gold is outperforming the USD after having a slight hiccough three weeks ago.

$GOLD:$USD Gold - Continuous Contract (EOD) CME  31 October 2024


Gold and Silver charts 2024-10-31

Gold’s low of the week was $2,724.00, and its high was $2,790.00. It is now trading at around $2,742.00.

  • Gold Monthly:? is a hold. We bought in at $1,800.00 in October ‘23 and have held it to date. It looks overbought but the indicators are positive.
  • Gold Weekly: is a hold. Overbought but looking strong, the rate of change is weakening.
  • Gold Daily: This is a hold, but be very careful. The stochastic and RSI look overbought, but the other indicators are positive? (Chart below).

$GOLD Gold - Continuous Contract (EOD) CME0   31 October  2024

The low for Silver this week was $32.59 and the high $34.54, trading around $32.65 at present.

  • Silver Monthly: Hold. Buy signal taken at $24.00 in March. Looking strong. Slightly overbought
  • Silver Weekly: Hold. A strong funds flow into the metal. I see a spike high which gives cause for close monitoring. I am watching the sell off today.
  • Silver Daily: Hold. I am not excited by the price action I saw this morning. There may be a sell indication later in the afternoon. I do not see one now. So be careful buying silver today. (Chart below).

$SILVER Silver - Continuous Contract (EOD) CME   31 October  2024

Our partner has stock of both gold, silver and Goldbacks in our vaults available in Panama. Please contact us for more information.

Goldback request banner

On the Stockcharts.com charts, the blue vertical lines are our proprietary system buy signals and the red vertical lines are system sell signals – for information purposes only

Please contact us to arrange the purchase and storage of your gold and silver requirements in a safe, insured location outside of your jurisdiction.

If you are interested in an overview of Fort Kobbe, you may want to have a look at this video: Mike Brown, Director, Fort Kobbe, International Vaults, A DotCom Magazine Exclusive Interview

This is my interpretation of the market and is not to be taken as financial advice. Before making any buy or sell decisions I recommend that you consult with your professional financial advisor.

Larry Simon

Larry Simon was educated at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and is an experienced businessman specializing in management, investment, and finance.


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