A Look at the Different
In the 1950s, hackers simply referred to individuals with curious minds tinkering with the potential of computers. However, the rise of personal computers in the 1980s led to a shift. Hackers, often teenagers, began exploiting vulnerabilities for the thrill of breaking into systems, particularly those run by governments. Interestingly, some of these early pioneers now lead successful cybersecurity firms, while others continue to exploit security weaknesses for personal gain. Understanding this history sheds light on the diverse motivations behind hacking today. Let's explore the three main types of hackers to be aware of.
Black hats: The malicious hackers
Black hat hackers are cybercriminals who develop tools and strategies to carry out a range of malicious activities, such as:
An example of a black hat hacker is Kevin Mitnick. In the 1990s, he orchestrated wire fraud and stole sensitive data from telecom companies and the US National Defense warning systems. After serving time in prison, he launched his cybersecurity firm and served as its CEO and Chief White Hat Hacker.
White hats: The ethical hackers
White hat hackers, also known as ethical hackers or security specialists, are the good guys in the hacking community. They use their hacking skills for positive purposes, such as:
Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux operating system, is a prominent white hat hacker who prioritizes security through open-source software development.
Gray hats: Operating in the middle ground
Gray hat hackers are in the middle ground between black hat and white hat hackers. They may use their hacking skills for both good and bad purposes, including:
An example of a gray hat hacker is Marcus Hutchins, also known as MalwareTech. He became famous for stopping the WannaCry ransomware attack by finding a kill switch. However, he also created the Kronos banking malware and faced legal repercussions. Since then, he has redirected his skills toward cybersecurity consultancy.
Conclusion: Protecting your business from cybercriminals
If you suspect your business has been hacked, it's crucial to contact our cybersecurity experts immediately. We can investigate the incident, mitigate the damage, and help you improve your security posture to prevent future attacks.
You can also contact us for any questions or concerns about securing your sensitive business information.
Published with permission from TechAdvisory.org.