Look beyond the mask when interacting with people
Monica kapur

Look beyond the mask when interacting with people

Spring is the time of hope and new beginnings. Why not start with looking at yourself closely. In front of a mirror stand and look for five to ten minutes. How do you define yourself? Fat, healthy, thin or a health freak with a six-pack abdomen or a bikini body?

Next take a look at your clothes. What is your relationship with them? Do you for e.g., take pride in flaunting designer wear be it Prada, Jimmy Choo’s, a Birkin bag or is it the plain Jane, Khadi look you sport? Why ?

Concurrent with clothes is of course the world of status defined by words like middle class, royals, billionaires, cattle class etc. We have an innate need to fit everyone in slots based on these silly definitions. Have you slotted yourself in one?

The above is but a starting point of our masks.

?Let’s talk of personalities.

Are you arrogant, angry, and high-handed or filled with humility? How do you define your relationship with yourself and others around you? Is it that of a “Poor Me”, “Society Hostess”, "Rebellious Daughter”, or a “God-fearing do-gooder”??The mask of work is another biggie which shadows us all the time too along with more generic ones defined by Race, Nationality, Sexual preference, Gender and Religion. Quite a few masks, right?

What are all these masks. Nothing but places to hide ourselves. The safety net we cling too! But what is a mask? A layer to create a wall between us and others.

Strip these masks to see the one unvarnished “Truth”. We are human. Yes, our waist, hip and height measurements will vary but what connects us is humanity and the reality that we will all die in a few decades be it one or seven. “Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust”.

Sobering thought! Next time you slot yourself and others think whats stopping me from reaching out. What stops me from smiling a stranger? What stops me from giving a hug ? Start and see how your life changes when you move beyond these masks.


What’s else are my offerings this season

MANAGE YOUR STRESS – Personally curated sessions

The world is filled with stressful news from wars to deaths keeping us all on our toes. Learning to quieten one’s inner world is such an important skill to learn. Message if interested in doing a session on managing your stress in these difficult times. You will learn through Art Therapy, Breathing and EFT, how to quieten our own inner sanctums, Interested Call 9650743338 or email [email protected]. Cost 2000 for?a 2 hour session.


Thank you for reading my newsletter. Stay safe and Happy holi and a lovely spring ahead !


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