A look back at where it all began.
David Southgate
Southgate Consulting Automotive Executive Search 01235 863525 or 07778 159555
January 1999
Nineteen years ago, the Euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency on 1st January 1999. The same day Southgate Consulting was born with a draft business plan, a loan, a telephone, no website, no staff and an outline plan to improve recruitment advertising for the automotive industry in the UK. Occupying the same location that we do today in Ardington, Oxfordshire we would like to offer a massive “thank you” to all those that helped make the business work initially and subsequently, and unequivocally working within the Automotive Sector has been a pleasure and an honour. We are looking forward to the next nineteen years and whatever changes the industry has to contend with!
Signing off with our original 1999 logo.