Look Back Before Giving Thanks

Look Back Before Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is an acknowledgement of appreciation. The lives of God’s people are to be characterized by the offering of thanksgiving to God always. for his mercy that endureth forever. A grateful heart received more from his benefactor (God). A grateful heart finds it so easy to request for his daily bread. There is one thing I discovered from God, anytime you open your mouth in appreciating his greatness, he automatically opens a new door for you even before you request for it.

But Human being are not always satisfy with what we have, we tend to look forward before giving thanks, we are been carried away by others wealth, material things, properties and the likes, we bombard God with lots of complaint and numerous prayer request having forgotten he knows our heart desire, we look forward to some people living standard and their well-being and having these thoughts in our heart wouldn’t help us in appreciating God wholeheartedly which result to stagnancy in some people’s life.

But, looking 180° backward to what God has done in every ramification of your life will help you glorify his name, looking 180° backward will help you realize those behind you, those praying to have the little you possess, those crawling, those that can’t stand without people upholding them, those that are in hell while on earth, those that are spiritually and emotionally dead, those that’ve fallen from grace to grass, those that are below 180°. Can you just flash back to those things in few seconds and softly say this with a sound of humility “Thank You Yahweh”.

You don’t need to attain 360° degrees before you start giving thanks, appreciate him at your current state (degree), appreciate him for the little you have, Do I just say “little”? Who am I to classify is blessing? Appreciate him for the huge and awesome you have, what you called little are luxuries to someone else. Always look 180° degrees backward before giving thanks to God, He never request for money nor food from us except a Sacrifice of Thanks and Praise.

Thanks for Reading

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