Look at all the _____ I give!
I've had the pleasure of working some of the best in the business... Those people, be they coworkers, vendors, or suppliers, were rewarded for their hard work, dedication, and willingness to help others. Their behavior was recognized. They were incentivized to do their job well.
More recently I have had the uninspiring experience of encountering people were not incentivized. People who could care less, because they never received due credit for hard work. People who simply gave zero ____s. People who cared so little that it was palpable. I don't think it's a coincidence that most of these people worked for government agencies, but I digress. Now when I say incentive, that doesn't necessarily mean money. It can be a simple gesture. A high five, a hug, an affirmation, a spot on the leaderboard, or simply a "good job!"
The point is: employees need to care, and people need to give credit where credit's due.
Zero incentive, Zero ____ given.