Look Ahead
Since it’s Women’s History Month, this sign at an antique market – “Evaluation Center For Disturbed Women, Ward B” – hit a nerve.
Yes, we women are “disturbed” about how we are treated at home, at work, and in the world at large. While much has changed for women since these signs adorned the walls of former mental wards, much has remained the same or worsened for those of us with two X chromosomes.
If you think I’m mocking mental illness, I’m going to stop you right there. This medical condition is common and can affect nearly 1 in 5 U.S. adults, according to the American Psychiatric Association. My sister – may her memory be a blessing – lived with an intellectual disability and bipolar disorder. She resided in a group home and often stayed at a psychiatric ward to get her medication right.
As we celebrate women this month, stop talking about the past. Look ahead and start talking about solutions to disturbing trends. Think about what you can do as an individual, a company, and a country to show you value, appreciate, include, and respect women. ???