Sultan Akhtar Patel
Like relationships, experiences and observations once forsaken words too, come to haunt you in a 'rewinding' fashion. Yesterday, an erstwhile colleague dropped by my house with a wedding card of him. During the talk, he said, before his marriage, he has an important assignment of assisting his friend's wedding as 'Man of Honor', I mean by giving his friend a constant company. Way back in July 1999, I had this word in National Geographic on 'Iran Testing the Waters of Reforms'. It is almost 20 years back and I tried long and hard to get that word out of my mind where the impression of this word is almost hazy to the point of extinction.Today, I got that word for the bride to be given a company by an old woman. This word is 'CHAPERON'! It can be used as a verb and in the past tense too!The fact of the matter is we must dig out such forgotten words out of our memories which is in a way to sharpening our mind. We must do it in a fashion of a ground digger digging out deep and deeper to get to the clue of something long been left out underground and now the need of the time has created the necessity to upturn that object without making a compromise on the efforts.
Sentences and words make and mar our life! This fact could be understood by the student of Literature. The sensitivity, sensibility, sanity and significance attached to the particular word or sentence is known and perceived by none other than that student who loves Literature. So, love words, focus on their meanings. If they don't revisit you for long years and almost out of memories, make them revisit you out of sudden incident as that of my mine above. Try to dig out by jogging, exerting your memories and see the joy of getting it right. It is like you have got the pearl out of the seabed!