The Longer the Party...the Bigger the Hangover
Here in WA - we sure had one hell of a party!
When the GFC first hit - we were pretty impervious to what was being felt not just in other countries, but also in other states.
We were still riding high on our resources "boom" with great employment opportunities and high salaries on offer translating to big real estate prices being achieved and people generally spending it up!
Life was good......really good!
Then, the "party" came to end with many of its "guests" going other states and countries as they lost jobs.
As with any party - what follows is the clean up of our "home" and the realisation that perhaps we may have over indulged... just a little...
So....what can we do to "survive" this enormous "hangover"?
Remain positive, "change gears" and learn to adapt to a "new world".
Surround yourself with those who are innovators - not procrastinators.
Now is the perfect time to "up-skill" - perhaps learn a new language which could put you at the forefront of future employment opportunities.
What is there that you don't already know or do, that you, your business or personal life could benefit from?
Join new circles and meet new people - you never know what doors could open after a "chance" introduction.
Every day I speak to people who have discovered a new path in life which they would never have taken had they not first been thrust into a situation they didn't want to be in!
So......if you're feeling jaded and faded, get off the couch, take a couple of Berocca and get on with your "clean up"!
Fortune favours the bold!