That Long and Winding Road

That Long and Winding Road

As one who obsessively ventures down the news rabbit hole daily, it is challenging to keep negativity at bay. Far too easy to get sucked into feeling anxious, depressed or hopeless seeing so much teetering on the brink of apparent disaster.

Some spiritual disciplines encourage detaching from the world, hiding out in any form of self-imposed cave. I believe it's important to be informed as to what is going on, yet not get sucked into drama and despair. To not surrender to fear or become complacent, choosing to be optimistic, determined and undaunted.

As I pour over the latest headlines, I remember that had others bought into despondency or apathy when things looked bleak, everything would be completely different in the world today.

Yet I am also reminded that all that is happening now, individually and planetarily, positive as well as negative, is the result of prior choices. Yes, karma: There is no effect without a prior cause.

The karmic reminders are obvious, but it is up to you to recognize them. You chose to be here to recognize and clean up your part. It is your choice to do so.

But with those reminders comes extreme triggering. Staying optimistic feels like wearing a fake Susie Sunshine smile.

And feeling positive does not feel good to your fear-based, survival oriented primitive consciousness. Its job is to keep you safe, so sitting in negativity gives it a false sense of empowerment. Even though living in that place makes things worse, it knows it would be out of a job without it.

When you connect with your higher consciousness, feeling positive and purposeful, your primitive mind starts working overtime. It recites a litany of negativity, encouraging hopelessness. The more you awaken, the more frantic it becomes, grasping at more negative straws to maintain what looks like control.

Primitive consciousness is constructed from past fear-based programming that morphs into anger, hurt and sadness. It applauds when you buy into negativity as truth.

But remember: You are here to learn, actually to remember, what love is; it is your true life purpose. The more you open to your higher consciousness, you are able to “hear” what your spirit is transmitting to you. You start trusting the direction it is leading you even when the road curves and you cannot understand why.

Invite your spirit to be in charge of your life. Feel compassion for the negativity you are feeling. Your fear-based consciousness is just a child craving attention and control. However, what it really wants is unconditional love which diminishes its ability to pull you down to its level.

Ultimately, know that love is the road you have chosen to be on. Although you may not be able to see all the way down this winding road, once you get there, every curve you travelled on makes perfect sense.


Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation for decades. She developed Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually-based program, to take you from triggered to empowered!

Royce's "The Perfect Life Awakening Show" is on Om Times Media, first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. PT.

Royce chats with Wendi Knox about "The Age Cage" on her Perfect Life Awakening Show on Om Media.

Hear Royce talk about mirroring on Tamra Oviatt's "Living in 5th Dimension Consciousness" show!

Royce chats with Michael Benner about living a purposeful life on her "Perfect Life Awakening Show"!

Perfect Life Awakening provides tools to discover and resolve sources of subconscious, self-sabotaging inner programming. This profound work brings enlightenment down to earth and unlocks the door to your highest potential.

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness, and connect you to your authentic self.

Royce offers in person and remote group classes and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Read about Royce's books on All About Psychology!

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Subscribe to Royce's YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her empowering, spiritually-based teachings!

Royce is the author of three enlightening books about her teachings:

“Want: True love, past lives and other complications” explains the eternal connection of soulmates and the lessons that arrives from them.

“Know: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call” details in a step-by-step way, Royce's profound teachings that help you get in touch with who you really are by getting to the root of self-sabotage. Read more here.

“Back: Rebirth After Stroke” is Royce's personal spiritual journey after her husband's stroke that will help you through any traumatic event.

All Royce's books are available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales.

Her YouTube channel is Royce Morales. Email is


