Long Way Home
Long Way Home
Sometimes, a journey can lead us on a path that is not of our choosing. When this occurs, we are forced to travel into unfamiliar territories. During these times, we never know what to expect. Sometimes, the experience can be most pleasurable, but when dark forces enter our lives, it can be devastating.
Parental abduction and/or alienation are just a couple of examples of how left-behind and victim parents are sent on a course that will forever change their lives. It is also a road that affects our children as they are taught to forget and even hate the person who loves them the most.
I will never fully understand the mindset of someone who feels the incessant desire to hurt the person they once proclaimed to love. Once a marriage or relationship ends, these individuals tend to use our children as pawns against us. They know that this is our greatest weakness and do their best to exploit it in the fullest manner possible.
Alienators understand the damage they cause to us but fail to recognize the harm they do to our children in the process. Unfortunately, when this happens, happy memories are never created. We aren’t in any photos with our children. We are denied celebrations such as mother’s and father’s day as well as birthdays.
What marks this tragedy even more, is, the family court system turns a blind eye to what the aggressor is doing and sweeping aside factual evidence. In doing so, it aids and abets the wrongdoing of the perpetrator. How is this living up to the legislation of the “Best Standards of Children”?
Often, months and even years pass by as we fight for justice and the right to love and be loved by the children we helped bring into this world. In the meantime, the alienator and their enablers are crippling whole families through systematic wrong-doings. Hopefully, this will change, and we can make families whole again for the sake of our children.
In the meantime, it’s a Long Way Home!
David Shubert