The Long Tail of Unique Ideas
Last night on the way to the board finance dinner, one of our independent board members paid me a compliment and told me he reads my little posts here. I was so surprised. I had no idea he even knew I wrote these, and that is what led me to the topic.
It’s About Idea Sharing
I don’t want to sound mean, but some people post articles and stuff simply to post. They don’t think about what you get out of it. They’re just “trying to be seen.” Well, that works about as well as approaching someone at a bar and saying, “I’m just saying words until you decide we should have a date.”
What earns you the attention of CEOs-turned-investors is when you push an idea out that gives them something to think about however it applies to their own lives or business. I think there are a few components that are true of a useful idea:
Where Do You Get Ideas?
Well, I got THIS idea from one compliment from a guy at dinner last night. I thought, “I should tell YOU about the fact that this really important guy was reading me and I didn’t know.” I get a lot of ideas from a very simple start of a question: “Why hasn’t anyone?”
You can also get ideas from other verticals beside your own. That’s a better way to get it done. Everyone has the same ideas in your vertical. Go look at construction to pick up something neat for your catering company. Peek at new kindergarten classroom concepts to be a better sales consultant. That’s where the gold is, not in your next industry book. (That’s why I don’t like marketing books USUALLY - except Nancy Harhut and Paul Roetzer this year. Two awesome authors. Look ‘em up.)
How Long Should The Post Be?
Here’s the thing: A CEO doesn’t have time to read a 5000 word post. Get in, share the idea, get out. But don’t be TOO brief. It always comes off as not-very-considered if you don’t land the idea well enough.
And I have one more detail for you.
End it Definitively
One of the biggest annoyances is that people don’t know how to end a post. They tend to just trail off into nothing. Finish strong. Make it clear that you’ve conveyed the idea. Maybe even ask a question. That’s a swell way to end, because it encourages interaction with the idea.
Does this all make sense? Let me know! And share those ideas. You never know who is reading you!
Unlock Your Digital Potential by Transforming Ideas into Engaging Content. Multi-media Content Producer and Writer. Where Quality Meets Affordability!
2 年I have loved your posts/newsletters for a long time. I struggle with what to post. I joined a Facebook group for women of a certain age with an "overall mission to smash the stereotypes surrounding aging and come together as a community so that we can be loud, be heard and be connected", I joined because of that mission statement. My introductory post garnered the most likes and comments I have ever received. They encouraged my writing talent in a most supportive way. So what to write about? I don't know yet. How can I offer value? I don't know. But maybe I just start. By the way, I too had oatmeal with sliced banana, not from a hotel but from Chateau Sandra located in a small town in New Jersey.
CEO at Brogan Arts
2 年I like your ideas.
I Can Show YOU ? How To Use LinkedIn To Share "Your Solutions" And "WHY YOU" | How To Be Seen & Heard | "Curiosity Corner" Newsletter | #LinkedIn LIVE ? "Let's Talk" | SOCIAL MEDIA ADVOCATE ? #COURSECREATOR > #SPEAKER
2 年Hit the nail on the head Chris Brogan I just had this conversation yesterday with Debbie Mrazek -- Sales Expert - we were both bemoaning about people whom we admire but they SHARE way TOO MUCH! Just get to the point. We already admire and respect them and they had us at hello -time is valuable. Make the read worth reading and give us the high points w/o requiring an hour to read it ??
Helping executives and business owners make an impact, transform their lives, and be prosperous ? Transformative Executive Career Coach and Business Coach ? LinkedIn? Strategist ? Book your Consultation ??
2 年Makes sense Chris Brogan
Content Strategy & Video for Appfire
2 年So many people post just to post. Your ideas are always worth my attention! As we look at applications for a new content writer, that’s factoring in. Because I don’t need someone to churn out “meh” content on a daily basis. I need someone who can create valuable content pieces that answer questions people have about how to do their jobs better. And then I’ll need them to break that content down into other content pieces, so we can help the most people by meeting them where they are. I need someone with lots of ideas and the contribution ethic to go beyond just posting something to post something. Someone who will create really juicy content. (That’s a technical term.) ?? Your posts always get me thinking!