The Long Road from Vicitmhood to Agency in the Age of the #MeToo Movement

In this important article about how she feels now about what she experienced as a 20 year old White House intern being sexually harassed by the President of the United States, Monica Lewinsky sheds important light on the what hopefully will become the central realization of the #MeToo movement: sexual harassment in the workplace is not about the evolving cultural standards regarding human sexuality; it is about the inhumane wielding of power that has been condoned in the male-dominated corridors of power for all too long. Notwithstanding the complexities of human sexuality and the dynamic nature of corporate culture, it is never appropriate to insinuate sexual conduct into a businesses relationship that is based on an imbalance of power. The moment Monica Lewinsky realized -- with the help of the #MeToo movement -- that she could never have given "consent" to Bill Clinton under the circumstances, is the moment she crossed over from being a victim of sexual harassment to becoming an agent of change. More power to her!


