The long revolutionary path of Michael Bannon, the so called Leninist White Racial supremacist, and the Ukraine story- Why Bannon is so important.

Bannon is famous for calling himself a Right wing Racial supremacist using a particular playbook


On one level it’s a weird turn of events. On most core issues McConnell and his boys don’t disagree with Bannon. On abortion, tax cuts for the rich, environment, deregulation, Obamacare, immigration, Supreme Court, gender equality and women’s rights the small differences that exist are trivial and the consensus is broad.

That Bannon is a wrecker is clear. Unlike Lenin, what he would do with power is not.

And most compellingly, America in 2017 is not Russia in 1917. Bannon will likely succeed in toppling the Republican establishment. He will not be able to impose a dictatorship of the proletariat.

American politics and society succeed only when there are functioning majorities and coalitions, socially and within institutions like the Congress. By purifying the Republican Party Bannon will drive a considerable number of politicians and voters in the wilderness. Where will people like Susan Collins, or Lisa Murkowski or John Kasich or Marco Rubio end up?

They will end up in a third party. Or they will end up in a rump Republican Party run by the New Bolsheviks/Bannonites, with millions of voters fleeing them. In other words, Bannon is never going to command a functioning majority of American voters or Republican officials. And he never will join with the enemy to form a governing coalition. On such do we rest our hopes for the country.

End of quote

I submit that the entire business with Ukraine, has all the hall marks of a poorly executed coup executed by Trump whom has had garbled communications with Bannon ever since Bannon left Trumps white house- i.e. this was a poorly executed but extremely bold move which was part and parcel of an attempt to, in a giant Cannae style battle of complete destruction of Biden and other Democrats. Simply beyond the competency level of a gutted White House.

Here is the Bannon quote to keep in mind


“I’m a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” ― Steve Bannon, 2016

End of quote

The consequences of this are that in tracking down whom did what, is that Bannon has had help from Putin, the SVR, and also radical Nazi fringe groups in destabilizing Kiev, and the Ukrainian government, and that until Bannon is interviewed and interrogated in dept on these connections, that the foot soldiers used in attacking Hunter Biden, Alexander Chalupa, and others will be necessarily incomplete.

You can see more of Bannon here


Bannon On Political Power

"Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they (the media) get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing." — to the Hollywood Reporter, November 2016

Bannon On The Republican Establishment

“What we need to do is bitch-slap the Republican Party.” — from a 2010 radio interview

Bannon On Trump

Trump is a "blunt instrument for us" — us, referring to Breitbart and the populist movement — "I don’t know whether he really gets it or not." — to Vanity Fair, August 2016

Bannon On Breitbart

"We call ourselves ‘the Fight Club.’ You don’t come to us for warm and fuzzy. We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly ‘anti-’ the permanent political class. We say Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation." — to the Washington Post, January 2016

Bannon On The Media

"The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while. I want you to quote this. The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States." — to the New York Times, January 2017

Bannon On Progressives

"The progressive narrative Saturday morning was the progressive narrative and that is all about victimhood. They’re either a victim of race. They’re victim of their sexual preference. They’re a victim of gender. All about victimhood and the United States is the great oppressor, not the great liberator." — from a 2011 interview, as reported by Buzzfeed

Bannon On The Alt-Right

"We're the platform for the alt-right," and "Look, are there some people that are white nationalists that are attracted to some of the philosophies of the alt-right? Maybe.

End of quote

Each of these talking points were utilized in the plot to humiliate the president of Ukraine, into being a pliable mouth piece for a whole scale destruction of Biden, and any organized Democratic opposition to Trump in the next several years. Doing an autopsy as to Bannon's beliefs, his known affiliation with Putin and Neo Nazi groups and worse, Schiff, and other researchers need to get all this done as to predict what he, and Putin will do, even in the eventuality of an ouster of Donald Trump from POTUS.

I submit that the great game involved, is far nastier than what most of the Democrats believe, i.e. falling into the meme of "political warfare", and that it will take YEARS to get to the bottom of certain issues

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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