?? The long over-due commit of Open Source
This is a story of patience in Open Source, where every bug, every Pull-Request gets attention.
I discovered freeboard, an opensource dashboard for Visual UI Widgets.
I needed to use it for a Hackathon we were performing in my team last year.
The framework is very cool and mature, the creators of freeboard even have a SaaS offering for anyone to sign-up and share dashboards. Getting the product to work on your own computer is easy, but for new comers the README documentation is lacking.
So here's my Pull-Request to fix that, and ease new-comers to the project.
Yes, you're reading right - this PR is from last year! 7 months ago...
Some people commented on the PR, but only months later this was reviewed and merged to freeboard's mainstream branch:
So don't give up. Do your best to improve software wherever it is.
As Eric Raymond says and attributes Linus:
"given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow"
So what open source projects have you been working on lately?