Long live Wakanda on LinkedIn
PAUL SCOLLAH. Source: https://vimeo.com/256181663

Long live Wakanda on LinkedIn

On Friday, I wrote a LinkedIn post about Black Panther and it has racked up nearly 129,000 views and 1.5K likes by the time I released this article.

Who’s says LinkedIn is only for business-related content?

People who want to shut down your creativity or just lack it themselves.

You can write about anything you want as long as it has a message that connects to business professionals.

I’ll be bringing you info about how to create your own content strategy for LinkedIn.

But, for now I’ll release my LinkedIn course in pieces.

I posted the first piece in the CareerCoach2Go monthly membership site: my LinkedIn Profile and Strategy guide which I send clients who want me to help them update their profiles.

In the quick guide, I break down each section of the profile, share its significance, and provide recommendations for improvements.

The guide is useful if you still have the ugly, blue constellation cover background LinkedIn provides (it’s a dead giveaway that you don’t know what to do with your profile).

If you want more information on how to access the guide and other career material to help you stand out from the crowd, go here: https://bit.ly/BiancaDailyEmail


