Long live the artists!
Olivier Dutfoy
Deputy Manager for HPC project - Head of Project Contol Team chez EDF Direction Industrielle
In October, the Triumph Arc in Paris was wrapped by artist Christo. "What a shame!" was my first thought: Gone with the wind was our national overwhelming pride, as well as the impressive list of battle victories! Surely what's the use of vsiting it now!
Few days later, I was brought at the very spot of our art-beaten "Triumph" Arc by a friend, who was not seeing any problem in this unlucky wrapping event (of course she is not French!, I thought). "Keep your nerves on and smile...", I was keeping on telling me...
There the expected shock turned unexpectedly to... to... a kind of... kind of a magic poetic trick! Instead of what I have always seen, I found myself before a shining blue silver parcelled Triumph Arc, lightly moving with the wind and fiercely sparkling through the rain drops. This Triumph Arc had just awaken to me for the first time, had just become more humain and real, ressourcing me more than overwhelming me, and was kindly forcing my looks towards it... like a romantic encounter, authentic, longly expected, and yet still shy...
Thanks to the artists! Thanks for them to be visionary! Chapeau Christo!