Long-Hidden Thoughts And Feelings Are Revealed
Holtz Realty

Long-Hidden Thoughts And Feelings Are Revealed

In spite of the temps hovering around 45 degrees early this morning, it really didn't feel that cold because the wind had finally quieted-down to the point of being completely calm. I was up a bit earlier than normal, and only because I had one of those nights where there was a repeating reel of memory regarding something which never should have happened yesterday, but it did. Likely the reason I was getting awakened, was because I actually couldn't get my brain wrapped around something a certain individual did which I thought was completely out of character, so I finally chalked it all up as my having been pulled into a circle where there was a person who was exhibiting a classic example of vacillating duality, which caught me completely off guard.

I'll not be going into any detail regarding what happened, but after last night, I'll be sending an email to that person in the very near future, just to set the record straight regarding what was said at one moment, and not an hour later, there was a complete about-face. The about-face was bad enough, but to be in the company of another in a social setting, made it markedly worse. All I can say is, what that person did to me, was wrong, and egregiously so. In my email, I'm not going to be mean-spirited or cutting, but rather listing in a point by point fashion, what I saw and heard from beginning to the end.

Over these recent years, I've come to realize that it is our duty to reprimand those who've purposely done wrong, and especially if has anything to do with money, and believe me, there are those who're in our entire socio-economic spectrum who're always looking for the upper hand. Just recently, I praised a contractor for doing a good job for a fair price, which I believe he needed to hear such uplifting words, because there are far too many who're always looking for ways to financially gouge others. To this day, I continue wondering how they can sleep nights, but unfortunately I'm coming into the understanding that they've done it so much, they now believe they have a license to do it, which takes me back to that email I'll be sending, just to let that person know the was no license given to do such a thing to me. After a number of months have passed, I'll be sure to tell you the entire story, but of course I'll not be naming any names.

If you got a few laughs out of yesterday's voodoo doll story, I'll have to wait a few days to tell another story about two pink balloons which were not filled with air, which I discovered tied to the front door handle of my office some years ago. Fortunately the cameras outside my office recorded the event, and once again, I'm near certain, there was an evil-minded ringleader behind it. Isn't it beyond being pathetic when discovering certain senior citizens performing such childish pranks? I'm convinced such people have far too much free time on their hands, and especially when there's drugs and/or alcohol involved. Like I've said many times, alcohol is definitely a truth serum to where all those long-hidden thoughts and feelings are revealed, and let me tell you, over these past eight years, I've heard some jaw-dropping words.

Since I didn't have any real estate appointments today, I got my early morning office duties taken care of, changed into my work clothes, and then headed out to get a good workout with picking up sticks, raking, planting, and mowing.

In spite of it being strenuous, I was actually immensely enjoying myself, and I think all the various species of birds that were flying around, were enjoying the show. Believe it our not, I spied an elusive catbird, barn swallows, various species of finches, robins, blackbirds, a red-headed woodpecker, two morning doves, and a pair of bluejays. Those bluejays can definitely be aggressive to where whenever one lands near another bird, that bird quickly skedaddles. I always find it funny whenever watching a bluejay going after a squirrel. I read somewhere recently where bluejays are the next step down the of a crow's intelligence. Over the years, I have noticed where bluejays would rather steal food than work for it like most of the other birds. Yes, their behavior does remind me of crows with the exception, I've never seen crows chase after squirrels.

Upon return to office, I changed back into my street clothes, and shortly thereafter, I happened to notice more of our general public, stepping over those barriers those demolition contractor put up, and walking far too close to those piles of rubble. I wasn't at office perhaps no more than a good hour in total today, but during that time, I saw four different groups of people over there. Of course if someone gets hurt, you know who they'll be blaming. I already know it's gonna take some time for me to get accustomed to that building being gone. I'll be saying my prayers there'll not be another one of those tick-tacky apartment houses being built on that site, because I believe we already have one too many of them in our so-called 'Historic Downtown'.

Earlier this week, I found a message on my answering machine from someone over at our Chamber of Commerce, asking that I return a call to a person I know doesn't work there, but likely one of those people who're trying to sell advertising in their yearly booklet. Since I'd dropped my membership to the Chamber of Commerce several years ago, I'm thinking it a bit odd for them to be going after someone to pay for advertising in their yearly rag when they're not even members. I thought the earlier mailing from them was enough, but I guess they also had to place a follow-up phone call. My take on the whole business of being a Chamber member, is definitely not worth their yearly dues, because I personally feel they don't pay that much attention to the small businesspeople. For the longest time, I considered myself nothing but the holder of account number who'd send them a check every year. Keep in mind, this is just my humble opinion of their organization.

Tonight's One-liner is: No matter how hard the loss, defeat might serve as well as victory to shake the soul and let the glory out.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/05/20/long-hidden-thoughts-and-feelings-are-revealed/


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