"The Long Game"
I speak to loan officers and leaders in the mortgage industry every day.
What I know is that you used to compete with loan officers who were playing the short game. The majority of their business was refi, and they simply had no strategy for purchase. They’re gone, or leaving. Buh bye.
The pain of our current market is real. You’re working twice is hard for half the money (or less.)
So. It’s time to reimagine your business and build for the future. The time of reminiscing about the great years of our industry are behind us, and it is now time to get real.
Get Educated. Now is the time to master all of those “nice to’s” that are now “have to’s.”
Over the years, I’ve known so many people that have invested in these systems, but never really mastered them and made them part of their daily/weekly routine. Now is that time. Select one and schedule an appointment with yourself to master it, then move onto the next.
As the number of Loan Officers drops from 180,000 to an estimated 60-70,000 by the end of the year, those that survive to take advantage of the better market in front of us will have;
Additionally, you must commit to these 3 things;
Our amazing industry will improve, and your lead count will naturally pick up, but before that happens, don’t miss this opportunity to optimize your systems and disciplines so you are in a much stronger place to play The Long Game.