London Tech Week

London Tech Week

As the great tractor beam of London brings together tech’s most brilliant minds once again for London Tech Week, I think we can safely say that something extraordinary has been happening in the UK over the past few years.

The UK can be proud to be one of the best places outside of the Valley for world beating tech companies. That is no idle boast. Today, we attract more Venture Capital funding than Germany, France and Israel combined. We have created more unicorns than any other European country – 105 at the last count – and we have more talent and more ambition.

Our country is home to some truly exciting discoveries. Last year, AlphaFold cracked a 50 year old scientific challenge using AI – effectively solving a longstanding problem in biology and paving the way for an AI revolution in nearly every scientific field and industry, 70 years after Alan Turing first set out the possibility of thinking machines. Nuclear fusion no longer seems to be perpetually ten years out – thanks to our astonishing work at Culham and our domestic fusion start-ups. And over the past 18 months, we have led the world in biotech – producing an affordable and easily stored Covid vaccine, rolled out one of the world’s largest testing programmes per capita, and put in place a world leading variant surveillance system.

The energy and dynamism in UK tech is almost palpable, and despite the challenges of the pandemic, 20 of our expanding herd of unicorns broke the $1 billion barrier in the past six months, and today we welcome the news that Cognizant is creating 2,500 new engineering jobs here and will open two new delivery centres in Leeds and Northern Ireland.

But we don’t want to stop here. We want to go further and regain the UK’s status as a tech and science superpower, and I want the tech community to join us in this mission.

You will have the strongest possible support. We are investing records sums, increasing Government spending to £22 billion for scientific research of all kinds. We have a new National Science and Technology Council, which I chair, with Sir Patrick Vallance as my national technology adviser.

Our Innovation Strategy and Integrated Review have been published, and soon we will be releasing our National AI Strategy – truly one of the most advanced in the world.

So first of all, take a look at these, and tell us what you think.

Secondly, I urge you to think even bigger than you are now. Whatever you think you can do, multiply it – ten-ex it – as the saying goes. There’s no limit to what we can achieve. We always need more scientists, but what if we had autonomous robots engaged in space manufacturing in orbiting factories? What about making biology programmable? Or what if we reduced the costs of direct air capture as fast we did those of renewable energy?

A new era is upon us, of space, of biology, the metaverse. Let us seize the opportunities ahead. It’s time to build back better and as you set out to make incredible discoveries, and solve the world’s great challenges – creating jobs, and driving the economy at the same time – I urge you to make the UK, the country that gave the world the industrial revolution, AI, genetics, the place where you do it. I want to wish everyone a fantastic London Tech Week.

Yingjie wang


3 年

I don't think the word "excellence" should appear in my personal dictionary. The logical scope of each highly different definition is relatively different. Excellence can only be said that you are satisfied with the current situation and ignore the pursuit of higher areas, which is wrong. Someone told me that excellence is only to be content with the status quo and look forward to reflect your due value and strive


全息智库平台 - 全息平台智库创世人

3 年

研究一项技术,首先你得明白它的危害是什么?如果自己无法掌控它的危害,那么宁可别去触碰,也别将未完善的科研项目运用在世界这个大舞台当中来显耀自身的学识荣耀!因为“后果”可不是一个人或几个组织可以承担的风险。 就像我们研发超智能AI系统一样!如果我们不知道这项技术出现在世的危害,那么我们也就不可能让它存在这个世界,因为当一项技术自身无法掌控与控制它的全面性质时!我们自己也就亲手将自己送进了黑暗深渊当中(就像人们最爱问的一个问题:这个宇宙是否存在外星生物?如果存在他们为什么不联系我们?)其实这个问题答案很简单:一个富人会和一个高傲自大,还随时都可能将自己玩儿死,且满身是疮的流浪汉达成联盟或结交为同盟星团吗?所以在询问这些愚蠢的问题时!看看我们自己是否有资格与高级智慧生命体相聚,自然就明白他们是否存在了!或者也有人会问,外星人如果来侵略地球,人类该如何防御?这种问题更有趣!一个随时都可能将自己玩儿死的文明,还需要别人来侵略吗?只需要在我们的文明毁灭后,帮地球清理垃圾是可以的存在。 研发科研项目或创造科技成就时!先明白它的用意是什么?如何是用于战争或战斗技术!那么就别担心气象问题对世人生活生产的严重性后果了,先担心一下当下的战略局势!合适能够消散才是主要问题(因为战争不断!保护世界,爱护自然就是一种扯蛋行为,不是吗?)

Robin John Scott

BSc Biochemistry , BEng Engineering, Animateur AMDEC (FMECA), Spécialiste des Statistiques, CQP MRCI/IRCA, Quality Manager. Royal Signals, Royal Irish Rangers. Ulster Man.

3 年

Skill shortage in the UK needs to be addressed - what are you going to do about it? Obvious that young people are not being attracted, certainly not to low paid opportunities. That is why we rely on non - UK people to fulfil those jobs. Answer please.

Robin John Scott

BSc Biochemistry , BEng Engineering, Animateur AMDEC (FMECA), Spécialiste des Statistiques, CQP MRCI/IRCA, Quality Manager. Royal Signals, Royal Irish Rangers. Ulster Man.

3 年

Prime Minister - what about the rest of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Why always so London centric? What about the rest of the 4 Kingdoms?


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