The London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.
The Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields
The Connection at St Martin's works with homeless people in London to discover their strengths and rebuild their lives.
We are a founding member of London Charter to End Rough Sleeping and were thrilled to attend its launch event in London today.
We were joined by the Greater London Authority, MPs, local business leaders and other charities in signing the Charter.
The London Charter to End Rough Sleeping has been created by people working in homelessness to bring everyone together around a common goal to end rough sleeping.
It communicates what rough sleeping really looks like in London and the best ways we can help.
Specifically, the charter aims to:
It is also guided by the following principles:
Why do we need the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping?
Rough sleeping is not the result of one person’s poor decisions. It has been created by the society and systems we live in and influence everyday.
This has led to rough sleeping become endemic in our society, with 10,053 people sleeping rough in London alone in 2022/3.
But if rough sleeping was created by our society, then it can be ended by our society.
Ending rough sleeping is a challenge we can solve together. Whether you sign on to our charter, volunteer for one hour, or donate even a few quid, you can make a difference today.
Please sign the charter today. People sleeping rough in London need you.