Lois Lane
Mr. Lynn Pearcey, MBA
Content Creator | Senior Copywriter | Published Author | Content Strategist | Technical Writer |
?Even though we are in the midst of an incredible college football season, I found myself watching a bunch of movies last weekend in between games, including Superman, Man of Steel. All I can say is great movie and a must see for all movie and comic fans. Hey, a little-known fact is that the story of Superman is actually a take on the stories of Moses and Jesus. Review them when you have a moment but the similarities, once you stop and think about them, are pretty obvious.
I remember rushing out to see it when it first came out a few years back...for grins I even thought about wearing a red cape that night…but then I thought better. One of the comments I heard throughout the theater, in interviews on variety shows and read on the message boards was how awesome of a guy Superman was. One morning show host said she “just loved the way Superman handled and protected Lois Lane”. I had yet to see the movie when I saw the interview but after seeing it I must admit she was right; Superman protected Lois Lane and treated her like she was his queen.
But as I walked out of the movie that night and watched it again her recently…the one thing that stood out to me was how Lois Lane…treated Superman.
As the story progressed Lois Lane came to know all about this Superman and she wanted to tell the world about how great of a guy he was. Aliens from Superman’s home planet came looking for him and threatened to destroy Earth if the person who knew of his whereabouts, his “business” so to speak didn’t come forward. That one person was Lois Lane…but she didn’t say a word.
The FBI showed up in those familiar black SUV’s and surrounded her apartment building (Don’t you just hate when they pull up to your place?)…looking for information on Superman…they took her in…but she wouldn’t give Superman up.
When Superman found out about all that Lois Lane was going through for him, he came in and demanded that she be let go. Upon her release in yet another show of support…the aliens who came searching for him demanded the government hand Superman over,…along with Lois Lane. Lois Lane’s response…”No problem; I’ll go".
He could leap tall buildings, outrun speeding bullets and all that other stuff but when Superman found out how much his woman cared for him…he became even more super.
Take a look around you ladies. There are a lot of men with Superman potential out there…but he can’t become all that he can be because he needs his Lois Lane. He needs to know that when the world tells him he can’t, you’ll be there to list off all the reasons he not only can but will. He needs to know that when his world is falling apart...you’ll be right there to help him pick up the pieces…dig in and help him put it all back together again.
He needs to know that when he opens up and shares his heart, his “business” so to speak…that the conversation belongs to the two of you; he needs to know that you won’t say a word.
Start telling him he can and will…and watch that “S” show up on his chest. Start showing him you’ll be there through thick and thin…and watch that red cape all of a sudden show up on his back. Start believing in him, start pouring life into him and stop doubting his word…and watch how much more he loves, protects and handles you with care…watch him fly!
Start being more like Lois Lane…and watch how much more Super that man of yours will become!