Logo evolution:Cannon
The Canon logo was introduced in 1935 and has undergone several changes as the company has grown. The name Canon carries such meanings as "holy scripture" and "criterion or standard of judgment." It effectively captures Canon’s corporate spirit, which aims to set a global standard for advanced technologies and service while becoming a criterion in the industry to which others will aspire1. The logo was created to reflect the Company's global perspectives, which it adopted right from the beginning of its history2.
The original Canon logo was created by a designer specializing in advertising. The "C" was unique in that its top end curved inward, ending in a sharp point. This style of typeface did not then exist in Europe or North America12. Despite several modifications, the strong character reflected in the sweeping inward stroke of the "C" has remained intact from the day that the company was founded1.
In 1933, when Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory was established, the name given to cameras manufactured on a trial basis at the time was Kwanon. This title reflected the benevolence of Kwanon, the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy, and embodied the Company's vision of creating the best cameras in the world. The logo included the word with an image of "Kwanon with 1,000 Arms" and flames. When the Company sought to begin full-scale marketing, it needed a brand name that would be accepted by people worldwide. From this standpoint, in 1935 the name Canon was registered as the official trademark. The word Canon has a number of meanings, including scriptures, criterion and standard. The trademark was therefore worthy of a company involved with precision equipment, where accuracy is fundamentally important. It also embodied the Company's desire to meet world-class criteria and industry standards1.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/09/2023
(1) Canon Logo | Canon global. https://global.canon/en/corporate/logo/.
(2) The Canon Logo - History and Evolution - CanonWatch. https://www.canonwatch.com/the-canon-logo-history-and-evolution/.